Functions/Subroutines | Variables
scale_const Module Reference

module CONSTANT More...


subroutine, public const_setup
 Setup. More...


real(rp), public const_pi = 3.14159265358979_RP
 pi More...
real(rp), public const_d2r
 degree to radian More...
real(rp), public const_eps = 1.E-16_RP
 small number More...
real(rp), public const_eps1 = 0.99999999999999_RP
 small number More...
real(rp), public const_huge = 1.E+30_RP
 huge number More...
integer, parameter, public const_undef2 = -32768
 undefined value (INT2) More...
real(sp), parameter, public const_undef4 = -9.9999E30
 undefined value (REAL4) More...
real(dp), parameter, public const_undef8 = -9.9999D30
 undefined value (REAL8) More...
real(rp), public const_undef
real(rp), public const_radius = 6.37122E+6_RP
 radius of the planet [m] More...
real(rp), public const_ohm = 7.2920E-5_RP
 angular velocity of the planet [1/s] More...
real(rp), public const_grav = 9.80665_RP
 standard acceleration of gravity [m/s2] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_stb = 5.670373E-8_RP
 Stefan-Boltzman constant [W/m2/K4]. More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_karman = 0.4_RP
 von Karman constant More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_r = 8.31436_RP
 universal gas constant [J/mol/K] More...
real(rp), public const_mdry = 28.966_RP
 mass weight (dry air) [g/mol] More...
real(rp), public const_rdry = 287.04_RP
 specific gas constant (dry air) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), public const_cpdry = 1004.64_RP
 specific heat (dry air,constant pressure) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), public const_cvdry
 specific heat (dry air,constant volume) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), public const_laps = 6.5E-3_RP
 lapse rate of ISA [K/m] More...
real(rp), public const_lapsdry
 dry adiabatic lapse rate [K/m] More...
real(rp), public const_mvap = 18.016_RP
 mass weight (water vapor) [g/mol] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_rvap = 461.50_RP
 specific gas constant (water vapor) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_cpvap = 1846.00_RP
 specific heat (water vapor, constant pressure) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), public const_cvvap
 specific heat (water vapor, constant volume) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_cl = 4218.0_RP
 specific heat (liquid water) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_ci = 2106.0_RP
 specific heat (ice) [J/kg/K] More...
real(rp), public const_epsvap
 Rdry / Rvap. More...
real(rp), public const_epstvap
 1 / epsilon - 1 More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_emelt = 3.4E5_RP
real(rp), parameter, public const_tmelt = 273.15_RP
real(rp), parameter, public const_lhv0 = 2.501E+6_RP
 latent heat of vaporizaion at 0C [J/kg] More...
real(rp), public const_lhv00
 latent heat of vaporizaion at 0K [J/kg] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_lhs0 = 2.834E+6_RP
 latent heat of sublimation at 0C [J/kg] More...
real(rp), public const_lhs00
 latent heat of sublimation at 0K [J/kg] More...
real(rp), public const_lhf0
 latent heat of fusion at 0C [J/kg] More...
real(rp), public const_lhf00
 latent heat of fusion at 0K [J/kg] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_psat0 = 610.78_RP
 saturate pressure of water vapor at 0C [Pa] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_dwatr = 1000.0_RP
 density of water [kg/m3] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_dice = 916.8_RP
 density of ice [kg/m3] More...
real(rp), public const_sound
 speed of sound (dry air at 0C) [m/s] More...
real(rp), public const_pstd = 101325.0_RP
 standard pressure [Pa] More...
real(rp), public const_pre00 = 100000.0_RP
 pressure reference [Pa] More...
real(rp), public const_tstd = 288.15_RP
 standard temperature (15C) [K] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_tem00 = 273.15_RP
 temperature reference (0C) [K] More...
real(rp), parameter, public const_ppm = 1.E-6_RP
 parts par million More...
integer, public const_i_lw = 1
 long-wave radiation index More...
integer, public const_i_sw = 2
 short-wave radiation index More...
character(len=h_short), public const_thermodyn_type = 'EXACT'
 internal energy type More...

Detailed Description


Physical constants module
  • 2011-11-11 (H.Yashiro) [new]
  • 2013-08-31 (T.Yamaura) [add] Stefan-Boltzman constant
    nametypedefault valuecomment
    CONST_RADIUS real(RP) 6.37122E+6_RP radius of the planet [m]
    CONST_OHM real(RP) 7.2920E-5_RP angular velocity of the planet [1/s]
    CONST_GRAV real(RP) 9.80665_RP standard acceleration of gravity [m/s2]
    CONST_RDRY real(RP) 287.04_RP specific gas constant (dry air) [J/kg/K]
    CONST_CPDRY real(RP) 1004.64_RP specific heat (dry air,constant pressure) [J/kg/K]
    CONST_LAPS real(RP) 6.5E-3_RP lapse rate of ISA [K/m]
    CONST_PSTD real(RP) 101325.0_RP standard pressure [Pa]
    CONST_PRE00 real(RP) 100000.0_RP pressure reference [Pa]
    CONST_TSTD real(RP) 288.15_RP standard temperature (15C) [K]
    CONST_THERMODYN_TYPE character(len=H_SHORT) 'EXACT' internal energy type
    CONST_SMALLPLANETFACTOR real(RP) 1.0_RP factor for small planet

History Output
No history output

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ const_setup()

subroutine, public scale_const::const_setup ( )


Definition at line 113 of file scale_const.F90.

References const_ci, const_cl, const_cpdry, const_cpvap, const_cvdry, const_cvvap, const_d2r, const_dice, const_dwatr, const_eps, const_eps1, const_epstvap, const_epsvap, const_grav, const_huge, const_karman, const_laps, const_lapsdry, const_lhf0, const_lhf00, const_lhs0, const_lhs00, const_lhv0, const_lhv00, const_mdry, const_ohm, const_pi, const_pre00, const_psat0, const_pstd, const_r, const_radius, const_rdry, const_rvap, const_sound, const_stb, const_tem00, const_thermodyn_type, const_tstd, const_undef, const_undef2, const_undef4, const_undef8, scale_precision::dp, scale_stdio::io_fid_conf, scale_stdio::io_fid_log, scale_stdio::io_fid_nml, scale_stdio::io_l, scale_stdio::io_nml, scale_process::prc_mpistop(), scale_precision::rp, and scale_precision::sp.

Referenced by mod_rm_driver::scalerm(), and mod_rm_prep::scalerm_prep().

113  use scale_process, only: &
115  implicit none
117  real(RP) :: CONST_SmallPlanetFactor = 1.0_rp
119  namelist / param_const / &
120  const_radius, &
121  const_ohm, &
122  const_grav, &
123  const_rdry, &
124  const_cpdry, &
125  const_laps, &
126  const_pstd, &
127  const_pre00, &
128  const_tstd, &
129  const_thermodyn_type, &
130  const_smallplanetfactor
132  integer :: ierr
133  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
135  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*)
136  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '++++++ Module[CONST] / Categ[COMMON] / Origin[SCALElib]'
138  !--- read namelist
139  rewind(io_fid_conf)
140  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_const,iostat=ierr)
141  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
142  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Not found namelist. Default used.'
143  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
144  write(*,*) 'xxx Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_CONST. Check!'
145  call prc_mpistop
146  endif
147  if( io_nml ) write(io_fid_nml,nml=param_const)
149  if ( rp == sp ) then
150  const_undef = real(CONST_UNDEF4,kind=rp)
151  elseif( rp == dp ) then
152  const_undef = real(CONST_UNDEF8,kind=rp)
153  else
154  write(*,*) 'xxx unsupported precision: ', rp
155  call prc_mpistop
156  endif
158  const_pi = 4.0_rp * atan( 1.0_rp )
159  const_d2r = const_pi / 180.0_rp
160  const_eps = epsilon(0.0_rp)
161  const_eps1 = 1.0_rp - epsilon(0.0_rp)
162  const_huge = huge(0.0_rp)
164  const_radius = const_radius / const_smallplanetfactor
165  const_ohm = const_ohm * const_smallplanetfactor
167  const_cvdry = const_cpdry - const_rdry
168  const_lapsdry = const_grav / const_cpdry
170  const_cvvap = const_cpvap - const_rvap
171  const_epsvap = const_rdry / const_rvap
172  const_epstvap = 1.0_rp / const_epsvap - 1.0_rp
174  const_lhf0 = const_lhs0 - const_lhv0
176  const_lhv00 = const_lhv0 - ( const_cpvap - const_cl ) * const_tem00
177  const_lhs00 = const_lhs0 - ( const_cpvap - const_ci ) * const_tem00
178  const_lhf00 = const_lhf0 - ( const_cl - const_ci ) * const_tem00
180  const_sound = sqrt( const_cpdry * const_rdry / ( const_cpdry - const_rdry ) * const_tem00 )
182  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*)
183  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** List of constants ***'
184  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** PI : PI = ', const_pi
185  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Small number : EPS = ', const_eps
186  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Small number (1-EPS) : EPS1 = ', const_eps1
187  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Huge number : HUGE = ', const_huge
188  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** undefined number (INT2) : UNDEF2 = ', const_undef2
189  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** undefined number (REAL,general use) : UNDEF = ', const_undef
190  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** undefined number (REAL4) : UNDEF4 = ', const_undef4
191  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** undefined number (REAL8) : UNDEF8 = ', const_undef8
193  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** radius of the planet [m] : RADIUS = ', const_radius
194  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** angular velocity of the planet [1/s] : OHM = ', const_ohm
195  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** standard acceleration of gravity [m/s2] : GRAV = ', const_grav
197  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Stefan-Boltzman constant [W/m2/K4] : STB = ', const_stb
198  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** von Karman constant : KARMAN = ', const_karman
199  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** universal gas constant [J/mol/K] : R = ', const_r
201  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** mass weight (dry air) [g/mol] : Mdry = ', const_mdry
202  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific gas constant (dry air) [J/kg/K] : Rdry = ', const_rdry
203  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (dry air, const. pressure) [J/kg/K] : CPdry = ', const_cpdry
204  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (dry air, const. volume) [J/kg/K] : Cvdry = ', const_cvdry
205  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** lapse rate of ISA [K/m] : LAPS = ', const_laps
206  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** dry adiabatic lapse rate [K/m] : LAPSdry = ', const_lapsdry
208  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** mass weight (water vapor) [g/mol] : Rvap = ', const_rvap
209  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific gas constant (water vapor) [J/kg/K] : Rvap = ', const_rvap
210  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (vapor, const. pressure) [J/kg/K] : CPvap = ', const_cpvap
211  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (vapor, const. volume) [J/kg/K] : CVvap = ', const_cvvap
212  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (liquid water) [J/kg/K] : CL = ', const_cl
213  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** specific heat (ice) [J/kg/K] : CI = ', const_ci
214  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Rdry / Rvap : EPSvap = ', const_epsvap
215  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** 1 / EPSvap - 1 : EPSTvap = ', const_epstvap
217  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of vaporizaion at 0C [J/kg] : LHV0 = ', const_lhv0
218  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of sublimation at 0C [J/kg] : LHS0 = ', const_lhs0
219  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of fusion at 0C [J/kg] : LHF0 = ', const_lhf0
220  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of vaporizaion at 0K [J/kg] : LHV00 = ', const_lhv00
221  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of sublimation at 0K [J/kg] : LHS00 = ', const_lhs00
222  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** latent heat of fusion at 0K [J/kg] : LHF00 = ', const_lhf00
223  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** Thermodynamics calculation type : ', trim(const_thermodyn_type)
224  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** saturate pressure of water vapor at 0C [Pa] : PSAT0 = ', const_psat0
225  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** density of water [kg/m3] : DWATR = ', const_dwatr
226  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** density of ice [kg/m3] : DICE = ', const_dice
228  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** speed of sound (dry air at 0C) [m/s] : SOUND = ', const_sound
229  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** standard pressure [Pa] : Pstd = ', const_pstd
230  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** pressure reference [Pa] : PRE00 = ', const_pre00
231  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** standard temperature (15C) [K] : Tstd = ', const_tstd
232  if( io_l ) write(io_fid_log,*) '*** temperature reference (0C) [K] : TEM00 = ', const_tem00
234  return
subroutine, public prc_mpistop
Abort MPI.
real(rp), public const_undef
Definition: scale_const.F90:43
module PROCESS
integer, parameter, public sp
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_stdio.F90:55
integer, parameter, public dp
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ const_pi

real(rp), public scale_const::const_pi = 3.14159265358979_RP

◆ const_d2r

real(rp), public scale_const::const_d2r

◆ const_eps

real(rp), public scale_const::const_eps = 1.E-16_RP

small number

Definition at line 36 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_adiabat::atmos_adiabat_liftparcel(), scale_atmos_boundary::atmos_boundary_resume(), scale_atmos_dyn_common::atmos_dyn_fct(), scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud3koren1993::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xvz_ud3koren1993(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve::atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_heve::atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_heve(), scale_atmos_dyn_common::atmos_dyn_wdamp_setup(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_0d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_2d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_3d(), scale_atmos_hydrostatic::atmos_hydrostatic_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sdm::atmos_phy_mp_sdm_mixingratio(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10_effectiveradius(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10_mixingratio(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08::atmos_phy_mp_tomita08(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_smg::atmos_phy_tb_smg(), scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_insolation_0d(), scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_insolation_2d(), scale_bulkflux::bulkflux_setup(), mod_cnvlanduse::cnvlanduse(), mod_cnvtopo::cnvtopo(), const_setup(), mod_copytopo::copytopo(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sn14::dep_vapor_melt_ice_kij(), scale_fileio::fileio_setup(), scale_fileio::fileio_write_var_4d(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::get_length(), scale_interpolation_nest::intrpnest_interp_fact_llz(), mod_realinput::make_mask(), mod_realinput_grads::parentatominputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentatominputnicam(), mod_realinput::parentatomsetup(), mod_realinput_grads::parentlandinputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentlandinputnicam(), mod_realinput_grads::parentoceaninputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentoceaninputnicam(), mod_realinput::replace_misval_const(), mod_realinput::replace_misval_map(), scale_atmos_refstate::smoothing(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hevi::solve_direct(), mod_mkinit::tke_setup(), scale_urban_phy_slc::urban_phy_slc(), scale_vector::vectr_anticlockwise(), scale_vector::vectr_intersec(), scale_vector::vectr_triangle(), and scale_vector::vectr_xyz2latlon().

36  real(RP), public :: CONST_EPS = 1.e-16_rp

◆ const_eps1

real(rp), public scale_const::const_eps1 = 0.99999999999999_RP

small number

Definition at line 37 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), and const_setup().

37  real(RP), public :: CONST_EPS1 = 0.99999999999999_rp

◆ const_huge

real(rp), public scale_const::const_huge = 1.E+30_RP

huge number

Definition at line 38 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by mod_cnvtopo::cnvtopo_setup(), scale_comm::comm_horizontal_max_2d(), scale_comm::comm_horizontal_min_2d(), and const_setup().

38  real(RP), public :: CONST_HUGE = 1.e+30_rp

◆ const_undef2

integer, parameter, public scale_const::const_undef2 = -32768

undefined value (INT2)

Definition at line 40 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_common::atmos_dyn_fct(), const_setup(), and scale_rm_statistics::stat_detail().

40  integer, public, parameter :: CONST_UNDEF2 = -32768

◆ const_undef4

real(sp), parameter, public scale_const::const_undef4 = -9.9999E30

undefined value (REAL4)

Definition at line 41 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup().

41  real(SP), public, parameter :: CONST_UNDEF4 = -9.9999e30

◆ const_undef8

real(dp), parameter, public scale_const::const_undef8 = -9.9999D30

undefined value (REAL8)

Definition at line 42 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), const_setup(), mod_mkinit::mkinit(), mod_mkinit::rect_setup(), and scale_rm_statistics::stat_detail().

42  real(DP), public, parameter :: CONST_UNDEF8 = -9.9999d30

◆ const_undef

real(rp), public scale_const::const_undef

Definition at line 43 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_boundary::atmos_boundary_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_common::atmos_dyn_fct(), scale_atmos_dyn::atmos_dyn_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_large_euler::atmos_dyn_tinteg_large_euler_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk3::atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk3_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk4::atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk4_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve::atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve_setup(), mod_atmos_dyn_vars::atmos_dyn_vars_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_ae_dummy::atmos_phy_ae_dummy_effectiveradius(), scale_atmos_phy_ae_kajino13::atmos_phy_ae_kajino13_effectiveradius(), mod_atmos_phy_ae_vars::atmos_phy_ae_vars_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_ch_vars::atmos_phy_ch_vars_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_cp_vars::atmos_phy_cp_vars_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_dry::atmos_phy_mp_dry(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_kessler::atmos_phy_mp_kessler_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_common::atmos_phy_mp_saturation_adjustment(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sdm::atmos_phy_mp_sdm(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sdm::atmos_phy_mp_sdm_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sn14::atmos_phy_mp_sn14_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08::atmos_phy_mp_tomita08_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::atmos_phy_mp_vars_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_offline::atmos_phy_rd_offline_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_vars_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_sf_vars::atmos_phy_sf_vars_setup(), mod_atmos_phy_tb_vars::atmos_phy_tb_vars_setup(), scale_atmos_refstate::atmos_refstate_calc3d(), scale_debug::check(), scale_comm::comm_horizontal_mean(), const_setup(), mod_cpl_vars::cpl_vars_setup(), scale_external_input::extin_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_sn14::freezing_water_kij(), scale_interpolation::interp_vertical_xi2p(), scale_interpolation::interp_vertical_xi2z(), scale_interpolation::interp_vertical_z2xi(), mod_realinput::land_interporation(), mod_land_vars::land_vars_setup(), mod_realinput::make_mask(), scale_mapproj::mprj_setup(), scale_ocean_phy_file::ocean_phy_file_setup(), mod_ocean_vars::ocean_vars_setup(), mod_realinput_grads::parentatominputgrads(), mod_realinput::parentatomsetup(), mod_realinput_grads::parentlandinputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentlandinputnicam(), mod_realinput_wrfarw::parentlandinputwrfarw(), mod_realinput_grads::parentoceaninputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentoceaninputnicam(), mod_realinput_wrfarw::parentoceaninputwrfarw(), mod_realinput::replace_misval_map(), scale_urban_phy_slc::urban_phy_slc_setup(), and mod_urban_vars::urban_vars_setup().

43  real(RP), public :: CONST_UNDEF

◆ const_radius

real(rp), public scale_const::const_radius = 6.37122E+6_RP

◆ const_ohm

real(rp), public scale_const::const_ohm = 7.2920E-5_RP

angular velocity of the planet [1/s]

Definition at line 47 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn::atmos_dyn_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve::atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve_setup(), const_setup(), and mod_mkinit::read_sounding().

47  real(RP), public :: CONST_OHM = 7.2920e-5_rp

◆ const_grav

real(rp), public scale_const::const_grav = 9.80665_RP

standard acceleration of gravity [m/s2]

Definition at line 48 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_adiabat::atmos_adiabat_cape(), scale_atmos_bottom::atmos_bottom_estimate(), scale_atmos_diagnostic::atmos_diagnostic_get(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_heve::atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_heve(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hivi::atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hivi(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_common::atmos_phy_mp_precipitation(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08::atmos_phy_mp_tomita08_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_read(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_d1980::atmos_phy_tb_d1980(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_dns::atmos_phy_tb_dns(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_hybrid::atmos_phy_tb_hybrid(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::atmos_phy_tb_mynn(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_smg::atmos_phy_tb_smg(), mod_atmos_vars::atmos_vars_history(), mod_atmos_vars::atmos_vars_monitor(), mod_atmos_vars::atmos_vars_restart_open(), mod_atmos_vars::atmos_vars_total(), scale_bulkflux::bulkflux_setup(), const_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::cp_kf_main(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::get_length(), scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::kf_lutab(), mod_realinput_grads::parentatominputgrads(), mod_realinput_scale::parentatominputscale(), mod_realinput_wrfarw::parentatominputwrfarw(), mod_mkinit::read_sounding(), scale_grid_real::real_update_z(), scale_roughness::roughness_setup(), scale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hevi::solve_direct(), and scale_atmos_phy_rd_mm5sw::swrad().

48  real(RP), public :: CONST_GRAV = 9.80665_rp

◆ const_stb

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_stb = 5.670373E-8_RP

Stefan-Boltzman constant [W/m2/K4].

Definition at line 51 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup(), scale_land_sfc_const::land_sfc_const(), scale_land_sfc_thick_slab::land_sfc_thick_slab(), scale_land_sfc_thin_slab::land_sfc_thin_slab(), scale_ocean_sfc_const::ocean_sfc_const(), and scale_ocean_sfc_slab::ocean_sfc_slab().

51  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_STB = 5.670373e-8_rp

◆ const_karman

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_karman = 0.4_RP

von Karman constant

Definition at line 52 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_bulkflux::bulkflux_setup(), const_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::get_length(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_smg::mixlen(), and scale_roughness::roughness_setup().

52  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_KARMAN = 0.4_rp

◆ const_r

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_r = 8.31436_RP

universal gas constant [J/mol/K]

Definition at line 53 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup().

53  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_R = 8.31436_rp

◆ const_mdry

real(rp), public scale_const::const_mdry = 28.966_RP

mass weight (dry air) [g/mol]

Definition at line 56 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_setup_zgrid(), and const_setup().

56  real(RP), public :: CONST_Mdry = 28.966_rp

◆ const_rdry

real(rp), public scale_const::const_rdry = 287.04_RP

◆ const_cpdry

real(rp), public scale_const::const_cpdry = 1004.64_RP

◆ const_cvdry

real(rp), public scale_const::const_cvdry

◆ const_laps

real(rp), public scale_const::const_laps = 6.5E-3_RP

lapse rate of ISA [K/m]

Definition at line 60 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup(), mod_realinput::land_interporation(), mod_realinput_grads::parentatominputgrads(), mod_realinput_scale::parentatominputscale(), and mod_realinput_wrfarw::parentatominputwrfarw().

60  real(RP), public :: CONST_LAPS = 6.5e-3_rp

◆ const_lapsdry

real(rp), public scale_const::const_lapsdry

dry adiabatic lapse rate [K/m]

Definition at line 61 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup().

61  real(RP), public :: CONST_LAPSdry

◆ const_mvap

real(rp), public scale_const::const_mvap = 18.016_RP

mass weight (water vapor) [g/mol]

Definition at line 64 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), and scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_setup_zgrid().

64  real(RP), public :: CONST_Mvap = 18.016_rp

◆ const_rvap

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_rvap = 461.50_RP

◆ const_cpvap

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_cpvap = 1846.00_RP

specific heat (water vapor, constant pressure) [J/kg/K]

Definition at line 66 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_adiabat::atmos_adiabat_liftparcel(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::atmos_phy_tb_mynn(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

66  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_CPvap = 1846.00_rp

◆ const_cvvap

real(rp), public scale_const::const_cvvap

specific heat (water vapor, constant volume) [J/kg/K]

Definition at line 67 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

67  real(RP), public :: CONST_CVvap

◆ const_cl

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_cl = 4218.0_RP

◆ const_ci

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_ci = 2106.0_RP

specific heat (ice) [J/kg/K]

Definition at line 69 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

69  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_CI = 2106.0_rp

◆ const_epsvap

real(rp), public scale_const::const_epsvap

Rdry / Rvap.

Definition at line 71 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_refstate::atmos_refstate_write(), const_setup(), and mod_realinput_grads::parentatominputgrads().

71  real(RP), public :: CONST_EPSvap

◆ const_epstvap

real(rp), public scale_const::const_epstvap

1 / epsilon - 1

Definition at line 72 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_tb_mynn::atmos_phy_tb_mynn(), scale_bulkflux::bulkflux_setup(), and const_setup().

72  real(RP), public :: CONST_EPSTvap

◆ const_emelt

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_emelt = 3.4E5_RP

Definition at line 74 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::cp_kf_main().

74  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_EMELT = 3.4e5_rp

◆ const_tmelt

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_tmelt = 273.15_RP

Definition at line 75 of file scale_const.F90.

75  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_TMELT = 273.15_rp

◆ const_lhv0

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_lhv0 = 2.501E+6_RP

◆ const_lhv00

real(rp), public scale_const::const_lhv00

latent heat of vaporizaion at 0K [J/kg]

Definition at line 78 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

78  real(RP), public :: CONST_LHV00

◆ const_lhs0

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_lhs0 = 2.834E+6_RP

◆ const_lhs00

real(rp), public scale_const::const_lhs00

latent heat of sublimation at 0K [J/kg]

Definition at line 80 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

80  real(RP), public :: CONST_LHS00

◆ const_lhf0

real(rp), public scale_const::const_lhf0

◆ const_lhf00

real(rp), public scale_const::const_lhf00

latent heat of fusion at 0K [J/kg]

Definition at line 82 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), and const_setup().

82  real(RP), public :: CONST_LHF00

◆ const_psat0

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_psat0 = 610.78_RP

◆ const_dwatr

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_dwatr = 1000.0_RP

◆ const_dice

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_dice = 916.8_RP

◆ const_sound

real(rp), public scale_const::const_sound

speed of sound (dry air at 0C) [m/s]

Definition at line 87 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup().

87  real(RP), public :: CONST_SOUND

◆ const_pstd

real(rp), public scale_const::const_pstd = 101325.0_RP

standard pressure [Pa]

Definition at line 89 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), scale_atmos_refstate::atmos_refstate_write(), and const_setup().

89  real(RP), public :: CONST_Pstd = 101325.0_rp

◆ const_pre00

real(rp), public scale_const::const_pre00 = 100000.0_RP

◆ const_tstd

real(rp), public scale_const::const_tstd = 288.15_RP

standard temperature (15C) [K]

Definition at line 91 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by const_setup().

91  real(RP), public :: CONST_Tstd = 288.15_rp

◆ const_tem00

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_tem00 = 273.15_RP

temperature reference (0C) [K]

Definition at line 92 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_adiabat::atmos_adiabat_liftparcel(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_0d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_2d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_entr_3d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhf_0d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhf_1d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhf_2d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhf_3d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhs_0d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhs_1d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhs_2d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhs_3d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhv_0d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhv_1d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhv_2d(), scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_lhv_3d(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08::atmos_phy_mp_tomita08(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08::atmos_phy_mp_tomita08_effectiveradius(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), const_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::cp_kf_main(), scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::mp_suzuki10(), mod_realinput_grads::parentlandinputgrads(), mod_realinput_nicam::parentlandinputnicam(), mod_realinput_grads::parentoceaninputgrads(), and mod_realinput_nicam::parentoceaninputnicam().

92  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_TEM00 = 273.15_rp

◆ const_ppm

real(rp), parameter, public scale_const::const_ppm = 1.E-6_RP

parts par million

Definition at line 93 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx::atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx(), and scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_setup_zgrid().

93  real(RP), public, parameter :: CONST_PPM = 1.e-6_rp

◆ const_i_lw

integer, public scale_const::const_i_lw = 1

◆ const_i_sw

integer, public scale_const::const_i_sw = 2

◆ const_thermodyn_type

character(len=h_short), public scale_const::const_thermodyn_type = 'EXACT'

internal energy type

Definition at line 98 of file scale_const.F90.

Referenced by scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_setup(), scale_atmos_saturation::atmos_saturation_setup(), and const_setup().

98  character(len=H_SHORT), public :: CONST_THERMODYN_TYPE = 'EXACT'