34 real(RP),
public ::
const_pi = 3.14159265358979_rp
51 real(RP),
parameter ::
const_stb = 5.670373e-8_rp
53 real(RP),
parameter ::
const_r = 8.31436_rp
68 real(RP),
parameter ::
const_cl = 4218.0_rp
69 real(RP),
parameter ::
const_ci = 2106.0_rp
117 real(RP) :: const_smallplanetfactor = 1.0_rp
119 namelist / param_const / &
130 const_smallplanetfactor
136 if(
io_l )
'++++++ Module[CONST] / Categ[COMMON] / Origin[SCALElib]' 142 if(
io_l )
'*** Not found namelist. Default used.' 143 elseif( ierr > 0 )
then 144 write(*,*)
'xxx Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_CONST. Check!' 151 elseif(
rp ==
dp )
then 154 write(*,*)
'xxx unsupported precision: ',
rp real(rp), public const_cvdry
specific heat (dry air,constant volume) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), parameter, public const_psat0
saturate pressure of water vapor at 0C [Pa]
real(rp), public const_cpdry
specific heat (dry air,constant pressure) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), parameter, public const_ppm
parts par million
real(rp), public const_huge
huge number
integer, public const_i_lw
long-wave radiation index
subroutine, public prc_mpistop
Abort MPI.
real(rp), parameter, public const_stb
Stefan-Boltzman constant [W/m2/K4].
real(rp), parameter, public const_ci
specific heat (ice) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), parameter, public const_dwatr
density of water [kg/m3]
logical, public io_l
output log or not? (this process)
real(rp), parameter, public const_cl
specific heat (liquid water) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), public const_radius
radius of the planet [m]
real(rp), parameter, public const_tem00
temperature reference (0C) [K]
real(rp), public const_d2r
degree to radian
real(rp), public const_cvvap
specific heat (water vapor, constant volume) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), public const_laps
lapse rate of ISA [K/m]
real(rp), parameter, public const_karman
von Karman constant
real(rp), parameter, public const_tmelt
real(rp), public const_lhf0
latent heat of fusion at 0C [J/kg]
real(rp), parameter, public const_dice
density of ice [kg/m3]
real(rp), public const_rdry
specific gas constant (dry air) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), public const_undef
real(sp), parameter, public const_undef4
undefined value (REAL4)
real(rp), parameter, public const_lhs0
latent heat of sublimation at 0C [J/kg]
real(rp), public const_ohm
angular velocity of the planet [1/s]
logical, public io_nml
output log or not? (for namelist, this process)
real(rp), public const_mvap
mass weight (water vapor) [g/mol]
real(rp), public const_lapsdry
dry adiabatic lapse rate [K/m]
real(rp), parameter, public const_lhv0
latent heat of vaporizaion at 0C [J/kg]
real(rp), public const_pre00
pressure reference [Pa]
subroutine, public const_setup
real(rp), parameter, public const_r
universal gas constant [J/mol/K]
real(rp), public const_lhf00
latent heat of fusion at 0K [J/kg]
real(rp), public const_grav
standard acceleration of gravity [m/s2]
integer, parameter, public const_undef2
undefined value (INT2)
real(rp), public const_lhs00
latent heat of sublimation at 0K [J/kg]
real(rp), public const_lhv00
latent heat of vaporizaion at 0K [J/kg]
real(rp), public const_epsvap
Rdry / Rvap.
real(rp), public const_epstvap
1 / epsilon - 1
real(rp), parameter, public const_rvap
specific gas constant (water vapor) [J/kg/K]
real(rp), public const_sound
speed of sound (dry air at 0C) [m/s]
real(rp), parameter, public const_emelt
real(dp), parameter, public const_undef8
undefined value (REAL8)
real(rp), public const_eps
small number
integer, public const_i_sw
short-wave radiation index
real(rp), public const_tstd
standard temperature (15C) [K]
real(rp), public const_pi
integer, parameter, public sp
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
integer, public io_fid_log
Log file ID.
real(rp), parameter, public const_cpvap
specific heat (water vapor, constant pressure) [J/kg/K]
character(len=h_short), public const_thermodyn_type
internal energy type
real(rp), public const_mdry
mass weight (dry air) [g/mol]
integer, parameter, public rp
integer, parameter, public dp
integer, public io_fid_nml
Log file ID (only for output namelist)
real(rp), public const_pstd
standard pressure [Pa]
real(rp), public const_eps1
small number