Functions/Subroutines | Variables
mod_mkinit Module Reference

module INITIAL More...


subroutine, public mkinit_setup
 Setup. More...
subroutine, public mkinit (output)
 Driver. More...
subroutine rect_setup
 Bubble. More...
real(rp) function faero (f0, r0, x, alpha, rhoa)
subroutine flux_setup
 flux setup More...
subroutine land_setup
 Land setup. More...
subroutine ocean_setup
 Ocean setup. More...
subroutine urban_setup
 Urban setup. More...
subroutine tke_setup
 TKE setup. More...
subroutine read_sounding (DENS, VELX, VELY, POTT, QV)
 Read sounding data from file. More...


integer, public mkinit_type = -1
integer, parameter, public i_ignore = 0
integer, parameter, public i_planestate = 1
integer, parameter, public i_tracerbubble = 2
integer, parameter, public i_coldbubble = 3
integer, parameter, public i_lambwave = 4
integer, parameter, public i_gravitywave = 5
integer, parameter, public i_khwave = 6
integer, parameter, public i_turbulence = 7
integer, parameter, public i_mountainwave = 8
integer, parameter, public i_warmbubble = 9
integer, parameter, public i_supercell = 10
integer, parameter, public i_squallline = 11
integer, parameter, public i_wk1982 = 12
integer, parameter, public i_dycoms2_rf01 = 13
integer, parameter, public i_dycoms2_rf02 = 14
integer, parameter, public i_rico = 15
integer, parameter, public i_interporation = 16
integer, parameter, public i_landcouple = 17
integer, parameter, public i_oceancouple = 18
integer, parameter, public i_urbancouple = 19
integer, parameter, public i_triplecouple = 20
integer, parameter, public i_bubblecouple = 21
integer, parameter, public i_seabreeze = 22
integer, parameter, public i_heatisland = 23
integer, parameter, public i_dycoms2_rf02_dns = 24
integer, parameter, public i_real = 25
integer, parameter, public i_grayzone = 26
integer, parameter, public i_boxaero = 27
integer, parameter, public i_warmbubbleaero = 28
integer, parameter, public i_cavityflow = 29
integer, parameter, public i_barocwave = 30
integer, parameter, public i_bomex = 31

Detailed Description

module INITIAL

subroutines for preparing initial data
    nametypedefault valuecomment
    MKINIT_INITNAME character(len=H_SHORT) 'NONE'

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    BBL_EACHNODE logical .false. Arrange bubble at each node? [kg/kg]
    BBL_CZ real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: z
    BBL_CX real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: x
    BBL_CY real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: y
    BBL_RZ real(RP) 0.0_RP bubble radius [m]: z
    BBL_RX real(RP) 0.0_RP bubble radius [m]: x
    BBL_RY real(RP) 0.0_RP bubble radius [m]: y

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    RCT_EACHNODE logical .false. Arrange rectangle at each node? [kg/kg]
    RCT_CZ real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: z
    RCT_CX real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: x
    RCT_CY real(RP) 2.E3_RP center location [m]: y
    RCT_RZ real(RP) 2.E3_RP rectangle z width [m]: z
    RCT_RX real(RP) 2.E3_RP rectangle x width [m]: x
    RCT_RY real(RP) 2.E3_RP rectangle y width [m]: y

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    M0_INIT real(RP) 0.0_RP initial total num. conc. of modes (Atk,Acm,Cor) [#/m3]
    DG_INIT real(RP) 80.e-9_RP initial number equivalen diameters of modes [m]
    SG_INIT real(RP) 1.6_RP initial standard deviation [-]
    D_MIN_INP real(RP), dimension(3) d_min_def
    D_MAX_INP real(RP), dimension(3) d_max_def
    K_MIN_INP real(RP), dimension(3) k_min_def
    K_MAX_INP real(RP), dimension(3) k_max_def
    N_KAP_INP integer, dimension(3) n_kap_def

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    FLX_RAIN real(RP) 0.0_RP surface rain flux [kg/m2/s]
    FLX_SNOW real(RP) 0.0_RP surface snow flux [kg/m2/s]
    FLX_IR_DN real(RP) 0.0_RP surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]
    FLX_NIR_DN real(RP) 0.0_RP surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]
    FLX_VIS_DN real(RP) 0.0_RP surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    LND_TEMP real(RP) land soil temperature [K]
    LND_WATER real(RP) 0.15_RP land soil moisture [m3/m3]
    SFC_TEMP real(RP) ocean skin temperature [K]
    SFC_ALBEDO_LW real(RP) 0.04_RP ocean surface albedo for LW (0-1)
    SFC_ALBEDO_SW real(RP) 0.05_RP ocean surface albedo for SW (0-1)

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    OCN_TEMP real(RP) ocean temperature [K]
    OCN_SALT real(RP) 0.0_RP ocean salinity [psu]
    OCN_UVEL real(RP) 0.0_RP ocean u-velocity [m/s]
    OCN_VVEL real(RP) 0.0_RP ocean v-velocity [m/s]
    ICE_TEMP real(RP) ocean temperature [K]
    ICE_MASS real(RP) 0.0_RP ocean temperature [K]
    SFC_TEMP real(RP) ocean skin temperature [K]
    SFC_ALBEDO_LW real(RP) 0.04_RP ocean surface albedo for LW (0-1)
    SFC_ALBEDO_SW real(RP) 0.05_RP ocean surface albedo for SW (0-1)
    SFC_Z0M real(RP) 1.E-4_RP ocean surface roughness length (momentum) [m]
    SFC_Z0H real(RP) 1.E-4_RP ocean surface roughness length (heat) [m]
    SFC_Z0E real(RP) 1.E-4_RP ocean surface roughness length (vapor) [m]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    URB_ROOF_TEMP real(RP) Surface temperature of roof [K]
    URB_BLDG_TEMP real(RP) Surface temperature of building [K]
    URB_GRND_TEMP real(RP) Surface temperature of ground [K]
    URB_CNPY_TEMP real(RP) Diagnostic canopy air temperature [K]
    URB_CNPY_HMDT real(RP) 0.0_RP Diagnostic canopy humidity [kg/kg]
    URB_CNPY_WIND real(RP) 0.0_RP Diagnostic canopy wind [m/s]
    URB_ROOF_LAYER_TEMP real(RP) temperature in layer of roof [K]
    URB_BLDG_LAYER_TEMP real(RP) temperature in layer of building [K]
    URB_GRND_LAYER_TEMP real(RP) temperature in layer of ground [K]
    URB_ROOF_RAIN real(RP) 0.0_RP temperature in layer of roof [K]
    URB_BLDG_RAIN real(RP) 0.0_RP temperature in layer of building [K]
    URB_GRND_RAIN real(RP) 0.0_RP temperature in layer of ground [K]
    URB_RUNOFF real(RP) 0.0_RP temperature in layer of ground [K]
    URB_SFC_TEMP real(RP) Grid average of surface temperature [K]
    URB_ALB_LW real(RP) 0.10_RP Grid average of surface albedo for LW (0-1)
    URB_ALB_SW real(RP) 0.20_RP Grid average of surface albedo for SW (0-1)

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    TKE_CONST real(RP)

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    ENV_IN_SOUNDING_FILE character(len=H_LONG) ''

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    SFC_RH real(RP) 80.0_RP surface relative humidity [%]
    ENV_THETA real(RP) potential temperature of environment [K]
    ENV_TLAPS real(RP) 4.E-3_RP Lapse rate of THETA [K/m]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    ENV_RH real(RP) 80.0_RP Relative Humidity of environment [%]
    RANDOM_THETA real(RP) 0.01_RP
    RANDOM_U real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance u
    RANDOM_V real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance v
    RANDOM_RH real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance RH

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_THETA real(RP) potential temperature of environment [K]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    SHAPE_NC character(len=H_SHORT) 'BUBBLE' BUBBLE or RECT
    BBL_NC real(RP) 0.0_RP extremum of NC in bubble [kg/kg]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_THETA real(RP) potential temperature of environment [K]
    BBL_TEMP real(RP) -15.0_RP extremum of temperature in bubble [K]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    ENV_TEMP real(RP) 300.0_RP temperature of environment [K]
    BBL_PRES real(RP) 100._RP extremum of pressure in bubble [Pa]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    ENV_BVF real(RP) 0.01_RP Brunt Vaisala frequencies of environment [1/s]
    BBL_THETA real(RP) 1.0_RP extremum of temperature in bubble [K]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_L1_ZTOP real(RP) 1.E3_RP top height of the layer1 (constant THETA) [m]
    ENV_L3_ZBOTTOM real(RP) 2100.0_RP bottom height of the layer3 (high THETA) [m]
    ENV_L1_THETA real(RP) 300.0_RP THETA in the layer1 (low THETA) [K]
    ENV_L3_THETA real(RP) 301.0_RP THETA in the layer3 (high THETA) [K]
    ENV_L1_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u in the layer1 (low THETA) [K]
    ENV_L3_U real(RP) 20.0_RP velocity u in the layer3 (high THETA) [K]
    RANDOM_U real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance u

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    SFC_RH real(RP) 80.0_RP surface relative humidity [%]
    ENV_THETA real(RP) potential temperature of environment [K]
    ENV_TLAPS real(RP) 4.E-3_RP Lapse rate of THETA [K/m]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    ENV_RH real(RP) 80.0_RP Relative Humidity of environment [%]
    RANDOM_THETA real(RP) 0.01_RP
    RANDOM_U real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance u
    RANDOM_V real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance v
    RANDOM_RH real(RP) 0.0_RP amplitude of random disturbance RH

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    ULID real(RP) 1.D01
    PRES0 real(RP) 1.D05
    REYNOLDS_NUM real(RP) 1.D03
    MACH_NUM real(RP) 3.D-2

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    SCORER real(RP) 2.E-3_RP Scorer parameter (~=N/U) [1/m]
    BBL_NC real(RP) 0.0_RP extremum of NC in bubble [kg/kg]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    REF_TEMP real(RP) 288.E0_RP The reference temperature [K]
    REF_PRES real(RP) 1.E5_RP The reference pressure [Pa]
    LAPSE_RATE real(RP) 5.E-3_RP The lapse rate [K/m]
    PHI0DEG real(RP) 45.E0_RP The central latitude [degree_north]
    U0 real(RP) 35.E0_RP The parameter associated with zonal jet maximum amplitude [m/s]
    B real(RP) 2.E0_RP The vertical half-width [1]
    UP real(RP) 1.E0_RP The maximum amplitude of zonal wind perturbation [m/s]
    LP real(RP) 600.E3_RP The width of Gaussian profile
    XC real(RP) 2000.E3_RP The center point (x) of inital perturbation
    YC real(RP) 2500.E3_RP The center point (y) of inital perturbation

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    ENV_U real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity u of environment [m/s]
    ENV_V real(RP) 0.0_RP velocity v of environment [m/s]
    ENV_RH real(RP) 80.0_RP Relative Humidity of environment [%]
    ENV_L1_ZTOP real(RP) 1.E3_RP top height of the layer1 (constant THETA) [m]
    ENV_L2_ZTOP real(RP) 14.E3_RP top height of the layer2 (small THETA gradient) [m]
    ENV_L2_TLAPS real(RP) 4.E-3_RP Lapse rate of THETA in the layer2 (small THETA gradient) [K/m]
    ENV_L3_TLAPS real(RP) 3.E-2_RP Lapse rate of THETA in the layer3 (large THETA gradient) [K/m]
    BBL_THETA real(RP) 1.0_RP extremum of temperature in bubble [K]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    BBL_THETA real(RP) 1.0_RP extremum of temperature in bubble [K]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    RANDOM_THETA real(RP) 0.01_RP
    OFFSET_VELX real(RP) 12.0_RP
    OFFSET_VELY real(RP) -2.0_RP

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    SFC_THETA real(RP) surface potential temperature [K]
    SFC_PRES real(RP) surface pressure [Pa]
    TR_Z real(RP) 12000.0_RP height of tropopause [m]
    TR_THETA real(RP) 343.0_RP pot. temperature at tropopause [K]
    TR_TEMP real(RP) 213.0_RP temperature at tropopause [K]
    SHEAR_Z real(RP) 3000.0_RP center height of shear layer [m]
    SHEAR_U real(RP) 15.0_RP velocity u over the shear layer [m/s]
    QV0 real(RP) 14.0_RP maximum vapor mixing ration [g/kg]
    BBL_THETA real(RP) 1.0_RP extremum of temperature in bubble [K]

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    PERTURB_AMP real(RP) 0.0_RP
    RANDOM_LIMIT integer 0
    RANDOM_FLAG integer 0 0 -> no perturbation
    USE_LWSET logical .false. use liq. water. static energy temp.?

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    PERTURB_AMP real(RP) 0.0_RP
    RANDOM_LIMIT integer 0
    RANDOM_FLAG integer 0 0 -> no perturbation

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    ZB real(RP) 750.0_RP domain bottom
    CONST_U real(RP) 0.0_RP
    CONST_V real(RP) 0.0_RP
    PRES_ZB real(RP) 93060.0_RP
    PERTURB_AMP real(RP) 0.0_RP
    RANDOM_LIMIT integer 0
    RANDOM_FLAG integer 0 0 -> no perturbation

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    PERTURB_AMP_PT real(RP) 0.1_RP
    PERTURB_AMP_QV real(RP) 2.5E-5_RP

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    PERTURB_AMP_PT real(RP) 0.1_RP
    PERTURB_AMP_QV real(RP) 2.5E-5_RP

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    LAND_SIZE real(RP)

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    PERTURB_AMP real(RP) 0.0_RP
    RANDOM_LIMIT integer 0
    RANDOM_FLAG integer 0 0 -> no perturbation

    nametypedefault valuecomment
    INIT_DENS real(RP) 1.12_RP [kg/m3]
    INIT_TEMP real(RP) 298.18_RP [K]
    INIT_PRES real(RP) 1.E+5_RP [Pa]
    INIT_SSLIQ real(RP) 0.01_RP [%]

History Output
No history output

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ mkinit_setup()

subroutine, public mod_mkinit::mkinit_setup ( )


Definition at line 210 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References i_barocwave, i_bomex, i_boxaero, i_bubblecouple, i_cavityflow, i_coldbubble, i_dycoms2_rf01, i_dycoms2_rf02, i_dycoms2_rf02_dns, i_gravitywave, i_grayzone, i_heatisland, i_ignore, i_interporation, i_khwave, i_lambwave, i_landcouple, i_mountainwave, i_oceancouple, i_planestate, i_real, i_rico, i_seabreeze, i_squallline, i_supercell, i_tracerbubble, i_triplecouple, i_turbulence, i_urbancouple, i_warmbubble, i_warmbubbleaero, i_wk1982, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ia, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ja, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ka, mkinit_type, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by mod_rm_prep::rm_prep().

210  implicit none
212  character(len=H_SHORT) :: mkinit_initname = 'NONE'
214  namelist / param_mkinit / &
215  mkinit_initname
217  integer :: ierr
218  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
220  log_newline
221  log_info("MKINIT_setup",*) 'Setup'
223  !--- read namelist
224  rewind(io_fid_conf)
225  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit,iostat=ierr)
226  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
227  log_info("MKINIT_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
228  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
229  log_error("MKINIT_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT. Check!'
230  call prc_abort
231  endif
232  log_nml(param_mkinit)
234  allocate( pres(ka,ia,ja) )
235  allocate( temp(ka,ia,ja) )
236  allocate( pott(ka,ia,ja) )
237  allocate( qdry(ka,ia,ja) )
238  allocate( qsat(ka,ia,ja) )
239  allocate( qv(ka,ia,ja) )
240  allocate( qc(ka,ia,ja) )
241  allocate( nc(ka,ia,ja) )
242  allocate( velx(ka,ia,ja) )
243  allocate( vely(ka,ia,ja) )
245  allocate( pres_sfc(ia,ja) )
246  allocate( temp_sfc(ia,ja) )
247  allocate( pott_sfc(ia,ja) )
248  allocate( psat_sfc(ia,ja) )
249  allocate( qsat_sfc(ia,ja) )
250  allocate( qv_sfc(ia,ja) )
251  allocate( qc_sfc(ia,ja) )
253  allocate( rndm(ka,ia,ja) )
254  allocate( bubble(ka,ia,ja) )
255  allocate( rect(ka,ia,ja) )
258  select case(trim(mkinit_initname))
259  case('NONE')
260  mkinit_type = i_ignore
261  case('PLANESTATE')
262  mkinit_type = i_planestate
263  case('TRACERBUBBLE')
264  mkinit_type = i_tracerbubble
265  case('COLDBUBBLE')
266  mkinit_type = i_coldbubble
267  call bubble_setup
268  case('LAMBWAVE')
269  mkinit_type = i_lambwave
270  call bubble_setup
271  case('GRAVITYWAVE')
272  mkinit_type = i_gravitywave
273  call bubble_setup
274  case('KHWAVE')
275  mkinit_type = i_khwave
276  case('TURBULENCE')
277  mkinit_type = i_turbulence
278  case('MOUNTAINWAVE')
279  mkinit_type = i_mountainwave
280  call bubble_setup
281  case('WARMBUBBLE')
282  mkinit_type = i_warmbubble
283  call bubble_setup
284  case('SUPERCELL')
285  mkinit_type = i_supercell
286  call bubble_setup
287  case('SQUALLLINE')
288  mkinit_type = i_squallline
289  case('WK1982')
290  mkinit_type = i_wk1982
291  call bubble_setup
292  case('DYCOMS2_RF01')
293  mkinit_type = i_dycoms2_rf01
294  case('DYCOMS2_RF02')
295  mkinit_type = i_dycoms2_rf02
296  case('RICO')
297  mkinit_type = i_rico
298  case('BOMEX')
299  mkinit_type = i_bomex
300  case('INTERPORATION')
301  mkinit_type = i_interporation
302  case('LANDCOUPLE')
303  mkinit_type = i_landcouple
304  case('OCEANCOUPLE')
305  mkinit_type = i_oceancouple
306  case('URBANCOUPLE')
307  mkinit_type = i_urbancouple
308  case('TRIPLECOUPLE')
309  mkinit_type = i_triplecouple
310  case('BUBBLECOUPLE')
311  mkinit_type = i_bubblecouple
312  call bubble_setup
313  case('SEABREEZE')
314  mkinit_type = i_seabreeze
315  case('HEATISLAND')
316  mkinit_type = i_heatisland
317  case('DYCOMS2_RF02_DNS')
318  mkinit_type = i_dycoms2_rf02_dns
319  case('REAL')
320  mkinit_type = i_real
321  case('GRAYZONE')
322  mkinit_type = i_grayzone
323  case('BOXAERO')
324  mkinit_type = i_boxaero
326  mkinit_type = i_warmbubbleaero
327  call bubble_setup
328  case('CAVITYFLOW')
329  mkinit_type = i_cavityflow
330  case('BAROCWAVE')
331  mkinit_type = i_barocwave
332  case default
333  log_error("MKINIT_setup",*) 'Unsupported TYPE:', trim(mkinit_initname)
334  call prc_abort
335  endselect
337  return
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target, public pott
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mkinit()

subroutine, public mod_mkinit::mkinit ( logical, intent(out)  output)


Definition at line 343 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References mod_atmos_phy_mp_driver::atmos_phy_mp_driver_qhyd2qtrc(), mod_atmos_admin::atmos_phy_mp_type, scale_const::const_undef8, i_barocwave, i_bomex, i_boxaero, i_bubblecouple, i_cavityflow, i_coldbubble, i_dycoms2_rf01, i_dycoms2_rf02, i_dycoms2_rf02_dns, i_gravitywave, i_grayzone, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::i_hc, i_heatisland, i_ignore, i_khwave, i_lambwave, i_landcouple, i_mountainwave, i_oceancouple, i_planestate, i_real, i_rico, i_seabreeze, i_squallline, i_supercell, i_tracerbubble, i_triplecouple, i_turbulence, i_urbancouple, i_warmbubble, i_warmbubbleaero, i_wk1982, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ia, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::iag, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ie, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ihalo, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::is, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ja, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jag, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::je, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jhalo, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::js, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ka, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks, mkinit_type, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::n_hyd, scale_prc::prc_abort(), scale_prof::prof_rapend(), scale_prof::prof_rapstart(), mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::qa_mp, mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::qe_mp, mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::qs_mp, mod_atmos_vars::qtrc, and tke_setup().

Referenced by mod_rm_prep::rm_prep().

343  use scale_const, only: &
345  use scale_atmos_hydrometeor, only: &
346  n_hyd, &
347  i_hc
348  use mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars, only: &
349  qa_mp, &
350  qs_mp, &
351  qe_mp
352  use mod_atmos_admin, only: &
354  use mod_atmos_phy_mp_driver, only: &
356  implicit none
357  logical, intent(out) :: output
359  real(RP) :: qhyd(ka,ia,ja,n_hyd)
360  real(RP) :: qnum(ka,ia,ja,n_hyd)
362  logical :: convert_qtrc
363  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
365  if ( mkinit_type == i_ignore ) then
366  log_newline
367  log_progress(*) 'skip making initial data'
368  output = .false.
369  else
370  log_newline
371  log_progress(*) 'start making initial data'
373  !--- Initialize variables
374  pres(:,:,:) = const_undef8
375  temp(:,:,:) = const_undef8
376  pott(:,:,:) = const_undef8
377  qsat(:,:,:) = const_undef8
378  velx(:,:,:) = const_undef8
379  vely(:,:,:) = const_undef8
381  rndm(:,:,:) = const_undef8
383  pres_sfc(:,:) = const_undef8
384  temp_sfc(:,:) = const_undef8
385  pott_sfc(:,:) = const_undef8
386  psat_sfc(:,:) = const_undef8
387  qsat_sfc(:,:) = const_undef8
389  qv(:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
390  qc(:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
391  nc(:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
392  qv_sfc(:,:) = 0.0_rp
393  qc_sfc(:,:) = 0.0_rp
396  qtrc(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
398  qhyd(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
400  qnum(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_rp
402  call prof_rapstart('_MkInit_main',3)
404  convert_qtrc = .true.
406  select case(mkinit_type)
407  case(i_planestate)
408  call mkinit_planestate
409  case(i_tracerbubble)
410  call mkinit_tracerbubble
411  case(i_coldbubble)
412  call mkinit_coldbubble
413  case(i_lambwave)
414  call mkinit_lambwave
415  case(i_gravitywave)
416  call mkinit_gravitywave
417  case(i_khwave)
418  call mkinit_khwave
419  case(i_turbulence)
420  call mkinit_turbulence
421  case(i_mountainwave)
422  call mkinit_mountainwave
423  case(i_warmbubble)
424  call mkinit_warmbubble
425  case(i_supercell)
426  call mkinit_supercell
427  case(i_squallline)
428  call mkinit_squallline
429  case(i_wk1982)
430  call mkinit_wk1982
431  case(i_dycoms2_rf01)
432  call mkinit_dycoms2_rf01
433  case(i_dycoms2_rf02)
434  call mkinit_dycoms2_rf02
435  case(i_rico)
436  call mkinit_rico
437  case(i_bomex)
438  call mkinit_bomex
439  case(i_oceancouple)
440  call mkinit_planestate
441  call mkinit_oceancouple
442  case(i_landcouple)
443  call mkinit_planestate
444  call mkinit_landcouple
445  case(i_urbancouple)
446  call mkinit_planestate
447  call mkinit_urbancouple
448  case(i_triplecouple)
449  call mkinit_planestate
450  call mkinit_oceancouple
451  call mkinit_landcouple
452  call mkinit_urbancouple
453  case(i_bubblecouple)
454  call mkinit_planestate
455  call mkinit_warmbubble
456  call mkinit_oceancouple
457  call mkinit_landcouple
458  call mkinit_urbancouple
459  case(i_seabreeze)
460  call mkinit_planestate
461  call mkinit_seabreeze
462  case(i_heatisland)
463  call mkinit_planestate
464  call mkinit_heatisland
465  case(i_dycoms2_rf02_dns)
466  call mkinit_dycoms2_rf02_dns
467  case(i_real)
468  call mkinit_real
469  convert_qtrc = .false.
470  case(i_grayzone)
471  call mkinit_grayzone
472  case(i_boxaero)
473  call mkinit_boxaero
474  case(i_warmbubbleaero)
475  call mkinit_warmbubbleaero
476  case(i_cavityflow)
477  call mkinit_cavityflow
478  case(i_barocwave)
479  call mkinit_barocwave
480  case default
481  log_error("MKINIT",*) 'Unsupported TYPE:', mkinit_type
482  call prc_abort
483  endselect
485  call tke_setup
487  call aerosol_setup
489  call sbmaero_setup( convert_qtrc ) ! [INOUT]
491  if ( qa_mp > 0 .AND. convert_qtrc ) then
493  qhyd(:,:,:,i_hc) = qc(:,:,:)
495  qnum(:,:,:,i_hc) = nc(:,:,:)
496  call atmos_phy_mp_driver_qhyd2qtrc( ka, ks, ke, ia, is, ie, ja, js, je, &
497  qv(:,:,:), qhyd(:,:,:,:), & ! [IN]
498  qtrc(:,:,:,qs_mp:qe_mp), & ! [OUT]
499  qnum=qnum(:,:,:,:) ) ! [IN]
500  end if
502  call prof_rapend ('_MkInit_main',3)
504  log_progress(*) 'end making initial data'
506  output = .true.
508  endif
510  return
module ATMOS admin
module Atmosphere / Physics Cloud Microphysics
module atmosphere / hydrometeor
subroutine, public atmos_phy_mp_driver_qhyd2qtrc(KA, KS, KE, IA, IS, IE, JA, JS, JE, QV, QHYD, QTRC, QNUM)
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target, public pott
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
integer, parameter, public i_hc
liquid water cloud
character(len=h_short), public atmos_phy_mp_type
real(dp), parameter, public const_undef8
undefined value (REAL8)
Definition: scale_const.F90:40
integer, parameter, public n_hyd
module atmosphere / physics / cloud microphysics
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, target, public qtrc
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rect_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::rect_setup ( )


Definition at line 612 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_atmos_phy_ae_kajino13::atmos_phy_ae_kajino13_mkinit(), mod_atmos_admin::atmos_phy_ae_type, mod_atmos_admin::atmos_phy_mp_type, scale_const::const_undef8, mod_atmos_vars::dens, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::i_qv, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ia, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ie, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ieb, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::is, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::isb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ja, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::je, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jeb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::js, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jsb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ka, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks, scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::nbin, scale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10::nccn, scale_prc::prc_abort(), mod_atmos_phy_ae_vars::qa_ae, mod_atmos_phy_ae_vars::qe_ae, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::qhe, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::qhs, mod_atmos_phy_ae_vars::qs_ae, and mod_atmos_vars::qtrc.

Referenced by read_sounding().

612  use scale_const, only: &
614  implicit none
616  ! Bubble
617  logical :: rct_eachnode = .false. ! Arrange rectangle at each node? [kg/kg]
618  real(RP) :: rct_cz = 2.e3_rp ! center location [m]: z
619  real(RP) :: rct_cx = 2.e3_rp ! center location [m]: x
620  real(RP) :: rct_cy = 2.e3_rp ! center location [m]: y
621  real(RP) :: rct_rz = 2.e3_rp ! rectangle z width [m]: z
622  real(RP) :: rct_rx = 2.e3_rp ! rectangle x width [m]: x
623  real(RP) :: rct_ry = 2.e3_rp ! rectangle y width [m]: y
625  namelist / param_rect / &
626  rct_eachnode, &
627  rct_cz, &
628  rct_cx, &
629  rct_cy, &
630  rct_rz, &
631  rct_rx, &
632  rct_ry
634  real(RP) :: cz_offset
635  real(RP) :: cx_offset
636  real(RP) :: cy_offset
637  real(RP) :: dist
639  integer :: ierr
640  integer :: k, i, j
641  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
643  log_newline
644  log_info("RECT_setup",*) 'Setup'
646  !--- read namelist
647  rewind(io_fid_conf)
648  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_rect,iostat=ierr)
649  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
650  log_error("RECT_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Check!'
651  call prc_abort
652  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
653  log_error("RECT_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_RECT. Check!'
654  call prc_abort
655  endif
656  log_nml(param_rect)
658  rect(:,:,:) = const_undef8
660  if ( rct_eachnode ) then
661  cz_offset = cz(ks)
662  cx_offset = cx(is)
663  cy_offset = cy(js)
664  else
665  cz_offset = 0.0_rp
666  cx_offset = 0.0_rp
667  cy_offset = 0.0_rp
668  endif
670  do j = 1, ja
671  do i = 1, ia
672  do k = ks, ke
674  ! make tracer rectangle
675  dist = 2.0_rp * max( &
676  abs(cz(k) - cz_offset - rct_cz)/rct_rz, &
677  abs(cx(i) - cx_offset - rct_cx)/rct_rx, &
678  abs(cy(j) - cy_offset - rct_cy)/rct_ry &
679  & )
680  if ( dist <= 1.0_rp ) then
681  rect(k,i,j) = 1.0_rp
682  else
683  rect(k,i,j) = 0.0_rp
684  end if
685  enddo
686  enddo
687  enddo
689  return
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
real(dp), parameter, public const_undef8
undefined value (REAL8)
Definition: scale_const.F90:40
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ faero()

real(rp) function mod_mkinit::faero ( real(rp), intent(in)  f0,
real(rp), intent(in)  r0,
real(rp), intent(in)  x,
real(rp), intent(in)  alpha,
real(rp), intent(in)  rhoa 

Definition at line 826 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_const::const_pi.

826  use scale_const, only: &
827  pi => const_pi
828  implicit none
830  real(RP), intent(in) :: x, f0, r0, alpha, rhoa
831  real(RP) :: faero
832  real(RP) :: rad
833  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
835  rad = ( exp(x) * 3.0_rp / 4.0_rp / pi / rhoa )**(1.0_rp/3.0_rp)
837  faero = f0 * (rad/r0)**(-alpha)
839  return
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
real(rp), public const_pi
Definition: scale_const.F90:31

◆ flux_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::flux_setup ( )

flux setup

Definition at line 845 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::atmos_phy_mp_sflx_rain, mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars::atmos_phy_mp_sflx_snow, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_sflx_down, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_dn, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_up, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_dn, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_up, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_dn, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_up, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_dn, mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars::atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_up, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_diffuse, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_direct, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_ir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_nir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_vis, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ieb, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::isb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jeb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jsb, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by read_sounding().

845  use mod_atmos_phy_mp_vars, only: &
846  sflx_rain => atmos_phy_mp_sflx_rain, &
847  sflx_snow => atmos_phy_mp_sflx_snow
848  use mod_atmos_phy_rd_vars, only: &
849  sflx_lw_up => atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_up, &
850  sflx_lw_dn => atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_dn, &
851  sflx_sw_up => atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_up, &
852  sflx_sw_dn => atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_dn, &
853  toaflx_lw_up => atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_up, &
854  toaflx_lw_dn => atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_dn, &
855  toaflx_sw_up => atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_up, &
856  toaflx_sw_dn => atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_dn, &
857  sflx_rad_dn => atmos_phy_rd_sflx_down
858  implicit none
860  ! Flux from Atmosphere
861  real(RP) :: flx_rain = 0.0_rp ! surface rain flux [kg/m2/s]
862  real(RP) :: flx_snow = 0.0_rp ! surface snow flux [kg/m2/s]
863  real(RP) :: flx_ir_dn = 0.0_rp ! surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]
864  real(RP) :: flx_nir_dn = 0.0_rp ! surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]
865  real(RP) :: flx_vis_dn = 0.0_rp ! surface downwad radiation flux [J/m2/s]
867  namelist / param_mkinit_flux / &
868  flx_rain, &
869  flx_snow, &
870  flx_ir_dn, &
871  flx_nir_dn, &
872  flx_vis_dn
874  integer :: i, j
875  integer :: ierr
876  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
878  !--- read namelist
879  rewind(io_fid_conf)
880  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_flux,iostat=ierr)
881  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
882  log_info("flux_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
883  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
884  log_error("flux_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_FLUX. Check!'
885  call prc_abort
886  endif
887  log_nml(param_mkinit_flux)
889  do j = jsb, jeb
890  do i = isb, ieb
891  sflx_rain(i,j) = flx_rain
892  sflx_snow(i,j) = flx_snow
894  sflx_lw_up(i,j) = 0.0_rp
895  sflx_lw_dn(i,j) = flx_ir_dn
896  sflx_sw_up(i,j) = 0.0_rp
897  sflx_sw_dn(i,j) = flx_nir_dn + flx_vis_dn
899  toaflx_lw_up(i,j) = 0.0_rp
900  toaflx_lw_dn(i,j) = 0.0_rp
901  toaflx_sw_up(i,j) = 0.0_rp
902  toaflx_sw_dn(i,j) = 0.0_rp
904  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_ir) = 0.0_rp
905  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_ir) = flx_ir_dn
906  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_nir) = flx_nir_dn
907  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_nir) = 0.0_rp
908  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_vis) = flx_vis_dn
909  sflx_rad_dn(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_vis) = 0.0_rp
910  enddo
911  enddo
913  return
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_sflx_down
module Atmosphere / Physics Cloud Microphysics
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_up
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_mp_sflx_rain
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_up
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_sflx_lw_dn
module Atmosphere / Physics Radiation
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_up
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_sflx_sw_dn
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_dn
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_mp_sflx_snow
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_sw_dn
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public atmos_phy_rd_toaflx_lw_up
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ land_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::land_setup ( )

Land setup.

Definition at line 919 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_ir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_nir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_vis, scale_io::io_fid_conf, mod_land_vars::land_sfc_albedo, mod_land_vars::land_sfc_temp, mod_land_vars::land_temp, mod_land_vars::land_water, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by read_sounding().

919  use mod_land_vars, only: &
920  land_temp, &
921  land_water, &
922  land_sfc_temp, &
924  implicit none
926  real(RP) :: lnd_temp ! land soil temperature [K]
927  real(RP) :: lnd_water = 0.15_rp ! land soil moisture [m3/m3]
928  real(RP) :: sfc_temp ! land skin temperature [K]
929  real(RP) :: sfc_albedo_lw = 0.01_rp ! land surface albedo for LW (0-1)
930  real(RP) :: sfc_albedo_sw = 0.20_rp ! land surface albedo for SW (0-1)
932  namelist / param_mkinit_land / &
933  lnd_temp, &
934  lnd_water, &
935  sfc_temp, &
936  sfc_albedo_lw, &
937  sfc_albedo_sw
939  integer :: ierr
940  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
942  lnd_temp = thetastd
943  sfc_temp = thetastd
945  !--- read namelist
946  rewind(io_fid_conf)
947  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_land,iostat=ierr)
948  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
949  log_info("land_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
950  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
951  log_error("land_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_LAND. Check!'
952  call prc_abort
953  endif
954  log_nml(param_mkinit_land)
956  land_temp(:,:,:) = lnd_temp
957  land_water(:,:,:) = lnd_water
959  land_sfc_temp(:,:) = sfc_temp
960  land_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_ir) = sfc_albedo_lw
961  land_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_nir) = sfc_albedo_sw
962  land_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_vis) = sfc_albedo_sw
964  return
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public land_sfc_temp
land surface skin temperature [K]
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public land_sfc_albedo
land surface albedo (direct/diffuse,IR/near-IR/VIS) (0-1)
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public land_temp
temperature of each soil layer [K]
module LAND Variables
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public land_water
moisture of each soil layer [m3/m3]
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ocean_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::ocean_setup ( )

Ocean setup.

Definition at line 970 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_ir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_nir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_vis, scale_io::io_fid_conf, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_ice_mass, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_ice_temp, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_ocn_z0m, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_salt, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_sfc_albedo, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_sfc_temp, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_sfc_z0e, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_sfc_z0h, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_sfc_z0m, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_temp, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_uvel, mod_ocean_vars::ocean_vvel, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by read_sounding().

970  use mod_ocean_vars, only: &
971  ocean_temp, &
972  ocean_salt, &
973  ocean_uvel, &
974  ocean_vvel, &
975  ocean_ocn_z0m, &
976  ocean_ice_temp, &
977  ocean_ice_mass, &
978  ocean_sfc_temp, &
980  ocean_sfc_z0m, &
981  ocean_sfc_z0h, &
983  implicit none
985  real(RP) :: ocn_temp ! ocean temperature [K]
986  real(RP) :: ocn_salt = 0.0_rp ! ocean salinity [psu]
987  real(RP) :: ocn_uvel = 0.0_rp ! ocean u-velocity [m/s]
988  real(RP) :: ocn_vvel = 0.0_rp ! ocean v-velocity [m/s]
989  real(RP) :: ice_temp ! ocean temperature [K]
990  real(RP) :: ice_mass = 0.0_rp ! ocean temperature [K]
991  real(RP) :: sfc_temp ! ocean skin temperature [K]
992  real(RP) :: sfc_albedo_lw = 0.04_rp ! ocean surface albedo for LW (0-1)
993  real(RP) :: sfc_albedo_sw = 0.05_rp ! ocean surface albedo for SW (0-1)
994  real(RP) :: sfc_z0m = 1.e-4_rp ! ocean surface roughness length (momentum) [m]
995  real(RP) :: sfc_z0h = 1.e-4_rp ! ocean surface roughness length (heat) [m]
996  real(RP) :: sfc_z0e = 1.e-4_rp ! ocean surface roughness length (vapor) [m]
998  namelist / param_mkinit_ocean / &
999  ocn_temp, &
1000  ocn_salt, &
1001  ocn_uvel, &
1002  ocn_vvel, &
1003  ice_temp, &
1004  ice_mass, &
1005  sfc_temp, &
1006  sfc_albedo_lw, &
1007  sfc_albedo_sw, &
1008  sfc_z0m, &
1009  sfc_z0h, &
1010  sfc_z0e
1012  integer :: ierr
1013  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1015  ocn_temp = thetastd
1016  ice_temp = 271.35_rp ! freezing point of the ocean
1017  sfc_temp = thetastd
1019  !--- read namelist
1020  rewind(io_fid_conf)
1021  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_ocean,iostat=ierr)
1022  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
1023  log_info("ocean_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
1024  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
1025  log_error("ocean_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_OCEAN. Check!'
1026  call prc_abort
1027  endif
1028  log_nml(param_mkinit_ocean)
1030  ocean_temp(:,:,:) = ocn_temp
1031  ocean_salt(:,:,:) = ocn_salt
1032  ocean_uvel(:,:,:) = ocn_uvel
1033  ocean_vvel(:,:,:) = ocn_vvel
1034  ocean_ocn_z0m(:,:) = sfc_z0m
1035  ocean_ice_temp(:,:) = ice_temp
1036  ocean_ice_mass(:,:) = ice_mass
1038  ocean_sfc_temp(:,:) = sfc_temp
1039  ocean_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_ir) = sfc_albedo_lw
1040  ocean_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_nir) = sfc_albedo_sw
1041  ocean_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_vis) = sfc_albedo_sw
1042  ocean_sfc_z0m(:,:) = sfc_z0m
1043  ocean_sfc_z0h(:,:) = sfc_z0h
1044  ocean_sfc_z0e(:,:) = sfc_z0e
1046  return
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_sfc_temp
ocean surface skin temperature [K]
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_ice_mass
sea ice mass [kg]
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public ocean_salt
ocean salinity [PSU]
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_sfc_z0h
ocean surface roughness length for heat [m]
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public ocean_temp
ocean temperature [K]
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public ocean_vvel
ocean meridional velocity [m/s]
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_ice_temp
sea ice temperature [K]
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_ocn_z0m
surface roughness length for momentum, open ocean [m]
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public ocean_sfc_albedo
ocean surface albedo (direct/diffuse,IR/near-IR/VIS) (0-1)
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_sfc_z0m
ocean surface roughness length for momentum [m]
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public ocean_uvel
ocean zonal velocity [m/s]
module OCEAN Variables
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public ocean_sfc_z0e
ocean surface roughness length for vapor [m]
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ urban_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::urban_setup ( )

Urban setup.

Definition at line 1052 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_ir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_nir, scale_cpl_sfc_index::i_r_vis, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_prc::prc_abort(), mod_urban_vars::urban_qc, mod_urban_vars::urban_rainb, mod_urban_vars::urban_raing, mod_urban_vars::urban_rainr, mod_urban_vars::urban_roff, mod_urban_vars::urban_sfc_albedo, mod_urban_vars::urban_sfc_temp, mod_urban_vars::urban_tb, mod_urban_vars::urban_tbl, mod_urban_vars::urban_tc, mod_urban_vars::urban_tg, mod_urban_vars::urban_tgl, mod_urban_vars::urban_tr, mod_urban_vars::urban_trl, and mod_urban_vars::urban_uc.

Referenced by read_sounding().

1052  use mod_urban_vars, only: &
1053  urban_tr, &
1054  urban_tb, &
1055  urban_tg, &
1056  urban_tc, &
1057  urban_qc, &
1058  urban_uc, &
1059  urban_trl, &
1060  urban_tbl, &
1061  urban_tgl, &
1062  urban_rainr, &
1063  urban_rainb, &
1064  urban_raing, &
1065  urban_roff, &
1066  urban_sfc_temp, &
1068  implicit none
1070  real(RP) :: urb_roof_temp ! Surface temperature of roof [K]
1071  real(RP) :: urb_bldg_temp ! Surface temperature of building [K]
1072  real(RP) :: urb_grnd_temp ! Surface temperature of ground [K]
1073  real(RP) :: urb_cnpy_temp ! Diagnostic canopy air temperature [K]
1074  real(RP) :: urb_cnpy_hmdt = 0.0_rp ! Diagnostic canopy humidity [kg/kg]
1075  real(RP) :: urb_cnpy_wind = 0.0_rp ! Diagnostic canopy wind [m/s]
1076  real(RP) :: urb_roof_layer_temp ! temperature in layer of roof [K]
1077  real(RP) :: urb_bldg_layer_temp ! temperature in layer of building [K]
1078  real(RP) :: urb_grnd_layer_temp ! temperature in layer of ground [K]
1079  real(RP) :: urb_roof_rain = 0.0_rp ! temperature in layer of roof [K]
1080  real(RP) :: urb_bldg_rain = 0.0_rp ! temperature in layer of building [K]
1081  real(RP) :: urb_grnd_rain = 0.0_rp ! temperature in layer of ground [K]
1082  real(RP) :: urb_runoff = 0.0_rp ! temperature in layer of ground [K]
1083  real(RP) :: urb_sfc_temp ! Grid average of surface temperature [K]
1084  real(RP) :: urb_alb_lw = 0.10_rp ! Grid average of surface albedo for LW (0-1)
1085  real(RP) :: urb_alb_sw = 0.20_rp ! Grid average of surface albedo for SW (0-1)
1087  namelist / param_mkinit_urban / &
1088  urb_roof_temp, &
1089  urb_bldg_temp, &
1090  urb_grnd_temp, &
1091  urb_cnpy_temp, &
1092  urb_cnpy_hmdt, &
1093  urb_cnpy_wind, &
1094  urb_roof_layer_temp, &
1095  urb_bldg_layer_temp, &
1096  urb_grnd_layer_temp, &
1097  urb_roof_rain, &
1098  urb_bldg_rain, &
1099  urb_grnd_rain, &
1100  urb_runoff, &
1101  urb_sfc_temp, &
1102  urb_alb_lw, &
1103  urb_alb_sw
1105  integer :: ierr
1106  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1108  urb_roof_temp = thetastd
1109  urb_bldg_temp = thetastd
1110  urb_grnd_temp = thetastd
1111  urb_cnpy_temp = thetastd
1112  urb_roof_layer_temp = thetastd
1113  urb_bldg_layer_temp = thetastd
1114  urb_grnd_layer_temp = thetastd
1115  urb_sfc_temp = thetastd
1117  !--- read namelist
1118  rewind(io_fid_conf)
1119  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_urban,iostat=ierr)
1120  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
1121  log_info("urban_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
1122  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
1123  log_error("urban_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_URBAN. Check!'
1124  call prc_abort
1125  endif
1126  log_nml(param_mkinit_urban)
1128  urban_trl(:,:,:) = urb_roof_layer_temp
1129  urban_tbl(:,:,:) = urb_bldg_layer_temp
1130  urban_tgl(:,:,:) = urb_grnd_layer_temp
1132  urban_tr(:,:) = urb_roof_temp
1133  urban_tb(:,:) = urb_bldg_temp
1134  urban_tg(:,:) = urb_grnd_temp
1135  urban_tc(:,:) = urb_cnpy_temp
1136  urban_qc(:,:) = urb_cnpy_hmdt
1137  urban_uc(:,:) = urb_cnpy_wind
1138  urban_rainr(:,:) = urb_roof_rain
1139  urban_rainb(:,:) = urb_bldg_rain
1140  urban_raing(:,:) = urb_grnd_rain
1141  urban_roff(:,:) = urb_runoff
1142  urban_sfc_temp(:,:) = urb_sfc_temp
1143  urban_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_ir) = urb_alb_lw
1144  urban_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_nir) = urb_alb_sw
1145  urban_sfc_albedo(:,:,:,i_r_vis) = urb_alb_sw
1147  return
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_qc
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_tb
module URBAN Variables
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_raing
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_uc
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public urban_sfc_albedo
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_tr
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public urban_tgl
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_roff
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_tc
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_rainr
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_tg
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_sfc_temp
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public urban_trl
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public urban_tbl
real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public urban_rainb
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tke_setup()

subroutine mod_mkinit::tke_setup ( )

TKE setup.

Definition at line 1153 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_const::const_eps, mod_atmos_phy_tb_vars::i_tke, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ia, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ja, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ka, scale_prc::prc_abort(), mod_atmos_phy_bl_vars::qe, mod_atmos_phy_bl_vars::qs, and mod_atmos_vars::qtrc.

Referenced by mkinit().

1153  use scale_const, only: &
1154  eps => const_eps
1155  use mod_atmos_phy_tb_vars, only: &
1156  i_tke
1157  use mod_atmos_phy_bl_vars, only: &
1158  qs_bl => qs, &
1159  qe_bl => qe
1160  implicit none
1162  real(RP) :: tke_const
1164  namelist / param_mkinit_tke / &
1165  tke_const
1167  integer :: k, i, j
1168  integer :: ierr
1169  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1171  tke_const = eps
1173  !--- read namelist
1174  rewind(io_fid_conf)
1175  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_tke,iostat=ierr)
1176  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
1177  log_info("tke_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
1178  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
1179  log_error("tke_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_TKE. Check!'
1180  call prc_abort
1181  endif
1182  log_nml(param_mkinit_tke)
1184  if ( i_tke > 0 ) then
1185  do j = 1, ja
1186  do i = 1, ia
1187  do k = 1, ka
1188  qtrc(k,i,j,i_tke) = tke_const
1189  enddo
1190  enddo
1191  enddo
1192  end if
1193  if ( qs_bl > 0 ) then
1194  do j = 1, ja
1195  do i = 1, ia
1196  do k = 1, ka
1197  qtrc(k,i,j,qs_bl) = tke_const
1198  qtrc(k,i,j,qs_bl+1:qe_bl) = 0.0_rp
1199  enddo
1200  enddo
1201  enddo
1202  end if
1204  return
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
module atmosphere / physics / PBL
module Atmosphere / Physics Turbulence
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
real(rp), public const_eps
small number
Definition: scale_const.F90:33
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, target, public qtrc
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read_sounding()

subroutine mod_mkinit::read_sounding ( real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(out)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(out)  VELX,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(out)  VELY,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(out)  POTT,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(out)  QV 

Read sounding data from file.

Definition at line 1211 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc::atmos_grid_cartesc_domain_center_x, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc::atmos_grid_cartesc_domain_center_y, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc::atmos_grid_cartesc_fyg, scale_atmos_hydrometeor::atmos_hydrometeor_dry, mod_atmos_admin::atmos_phy_ae_type, scale_const::const_cl, scale_const::const_cpdry, scale_const::const_cpvap, scale_const::const_cvdry, scale_const::const_cvvap, scale_const::const_grav, scale_const::const_ohm, scale_const::const_radius, scale_const::const_rdry, scale_const::const_rvap, mod_atmos_vars::dens, flux_setup(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ia, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ie, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ieb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::imax, scale_io::io_fid_conf, scale_io::io_get_available_fid(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::is, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::isb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ja, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jag, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jeb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jhalo, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::js, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::jsb, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ka, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks, land_setup(), scale_landuse::landuse_calc_fact(), scale_landuse::landuse_fillhalo(), scale_landuse::landuse_frac_land, scale_landuse::landuse_frac_urban, scale_landuse::landuse_write(), mod_atmos_vars::momx, mod_atmos_vars::momy, mod_atmos_vars::momz, ocean_setup(), scale_prc::prc_abort(), scale_prc_cartesc::prc_num_x, scale_prof::prof_rapend(), scale_prof::prof_rapstart(), scale_random::random_uniform(), mod_realinput::realinput_atmos(), mod_realinput::realinput_surface(), rect_setup(), mod_atmos_vars::rhot, and urban_setup().

1211  use scale_atmos_hydrometeor, only: &
1213  implicit none
1215  real(RP), intent(out) :: dens(ka)
1216  real(RP), intent(out) :: velx(ka)
1217  real(RP), intent(out) :: vely(ka)
1218  real(RP), intent(out) :: pott(ka)
1219  real(RP), intent(out) :: qv (ka)
1221  real(RP) :: temp(ka)
1222  real(RP) :: pres(ka)
1223  real(RP) :: qc (ka)
1225  character(len=H_LONG) :: env_in_sounding_file = ''
1227  integer, parameter :: exp_klim = 100
1228  integer :: exp_kmax
1230  real(RP) :: sfc_theta ! surface potential temperature [K]
1231  real(RP) :: sfc_pres ! surface pressure [hPa]
1232  real(RP) :: sfc_qv ! surface watervapor [g/kg]
1234  real(RP) :: exp_z (exp_klim+1) ! height [m]
1235  real(RP) :: exp_pott(exp_klim+1) ! potential temperature [K]
1236  real(RP) :: exp_qv (exp_klim+1) ! water vapor [g/kg]
1237  real(RP) :: exp_u (exp_klim+1) ! velocity u [m/s]
1238  real(RP) :: exp_v (exp_klim+1) ! velocity v [m/s]
1240  real(RP) :: fact1, fact2
1241  integer :: k, kref
1242  integer :: fid
1243  integer :: ierr
1245  namelist / param_mkinit_sounding / &
1246  env_in_sounding_file
1248  !--- read namelist
1249  rewind(io_fid_conf)
1250  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_mkinit_sounding,iostat=ierr)
1252  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
1253  log_info("read_sounding",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
1254  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
1255  log_error("read_sounding",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_MKINIT_SOUNDING. Check!'
1256  call prc_abort
1257  endif
1258  log_nml(param_mkinit_sounding)
1260  !--- prepare sounding profile
1261  log_info("read_sounding",*) 'Input sounding file:', trim(env_in_sounding_file)
1262  fid = io_get_available_fid()
1263  open( fid, &
1264  file = trim(env_in_sounding_file), &
1265  form = 'formatted', &
1266  status = 'old', &
1267  iostat = ierr )
1269  if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1270  log_error("read_sounding",*) '[mod_mkinit/read_sounding] Input file not found!'
1271  endif
1273  !--- read sounding file till end
1274  read(fid,*) sfc_pres, sfc_theta, sfc_qv
1276  log_info("read_sounding",*) '+ Surface pressure [hPa]', sfc_pres
1277  log_info("read_sounding",*) '+ Surface pot. temp [K]', sfc_theta
1278  log_info("read_sounding",*) '+ Surface water vapor [g/kg]', sfc_qv
1280  do k = 2, exp_klim
1281  read(fid,*,iostat=ierr) exp_z(k), exp_pott(k), exp_qv(k), exp_u(k), exp_v(k)
1282  if ( ierr /= 0 ) exit
1283  enddo
1285  exp_kmax = k - 1
1286  close(fid)
1288  ! Boundary
1289  exp_z(1) = 0.0_rp
1290  exp_pott(1) = sfc_theta
1291  exp_qv(1) = sfc_qv
1292  exp_u(1) = exp_u(2)
1293  exp_v(1) = exp_v(2)
1294  exp_z(exp_kmax+1) = 100.e3_rp
1295  exp_pott(exp_kmax+1) = exp_pott(exp_kmax)
1296  exp_qv(exp_kmax+1) = exp_qv(exp_kmax)
1297  exp_u(exp_kmax+1) = exp_u(exp_kmax)
1298  exp_v(exp_kmax+1) = exp_v(exp_kmax)
1300  do k = 1, exp_kmax+1
1301  exp_qv(k) = exp_qv(k) * 1.e-3_rp ! [g/kg]->[kg/kg]
1302  enddo
1304  ! calc in dry condition
1305  pres_sfc(:,:) = sfc_pres * 1.e2_rp ! [hPa]->[Pa]
1306  pott_sfc(:,:) = sfc_theta
1307  if ( .not. atmos_hydrometeor_dry ) then
1308  qv_sfc(:,:) = sfc_qv * 1.e-3_rp ! [g/kg]->[kg/kg]
1309  end if
1311  !--- linear interpolate to model grid
1312  do k = ks, ke
1313  do kref = 2, exp_kmax+1
1314  if ( cz(k) > exp_z(kref-1) &
1315  .AND. cz(k) <= exp_z(kref ) ) then
1317  fact1 = ( exp_z(kref) - cz(k) ) / ( exp_z(kref)-exp_z(kref-1) )
1318  fact2 = ( cz(k) - exp_z(kref-1) ) / ( exp_z(kref)-exp_z(kref-1) )
1320  pott(k) = exp_pott(kref-1) * fact1 &
1321  + exp_pott(kref ) * fact2
1322  qv(k) = exp_qv(kref-1) * fact1 &
1323  + exp_qv(kref ) * fact2
1324  velx(k) = exp_u(kref-1) * fact1 &
1325  + exp_u(kref ) * fact2
1326  vely(k) = exp_v(kref-1) * fact1 &
1327  + exp_v(kref ) * fact2
1328  endif
1329  enddo
1330  enddo
1331  if ( atmos_hydrometeor_dry ) qv(:) = 0.0_rp
1333  qc(:) = 0.0_rp
1335  ! make density & pressure profile in moist condition
1336  call hydrostatic_buildrho( ka, ks, ke, &
1337  pott(:), qv(:), qc(:), & ! [IN]
1338  pres_sfc(1,1), pott_sfc(1,1), qv_sfc(1,1), qc_sfc(1,1), & ! [IN]
1339  cz(:), fz(:), & ! [IN]
1340  dens(:), temp(:), pres(:), temp_sfc(1,1) ) ! [OUT]
1342  return
integer, public io_fid_conf
Config file ID.
Definition: scale_io.F90:55
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target, public dens
module atmosphere / hydrometeor
integer function, public io_get_available_fid()
search & get available file ID
Definition: scale_io.F90:313
real(rp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target, public pott
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:338
Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ mkinit_type

integer, public mod_mkinit::mkinit_type = -1

Definition at line 88 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

88  integer, public :: mkinit_type = -1

◆ i_ignore

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_ignore = 0

Definition at line 89 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

89  integer, public, parameter :: i_ignore = 0

◆ i_planestate

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_planestate = 1

Definition at line 91 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

91  integer, public, parameter :: i_planestate = 1

◆ i_tracerbubble

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_tracerbubble = 2

Definition at line 92 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

92  integer, public, parameter :: i_tracerbubble = 2

◆ i_coldbubble

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_coldbubble = 3

Definition at line 93 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

93  integer, public, parameter :: i_coldbubble = 3

◆ i_lambwave

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_lambwave = 4

Definition at line 95 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

95  integer, public, parameter :: i_lambwave = 4

◆ i_gravitywave

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_gravitywave = 5

Definition at line 96 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

96  integer, public, parameter :: i_gravitywave = 5

◆ i_khwave

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_khwave = 6

Definition at line 97 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

97  integer, public, parameter :: i_khwave = 6

◆ i_turbulence

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_turbulence = 7

Definition at line 98 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

98  integer, public, parameter :: i_turbulence = 7

◆ i_mountainwave

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_mountainwave = 8

Definition at line 99 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

99  integer, public, parameter :: i_mountainwave = 8

◆ i_warmbubble

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_warmbubble = 9

Definition at line 101 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

101  integer, public, parameter :: i_warmbubble = 9

◆ i_supercell

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_supercell = 10

Definition at line 102 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

102  integer, public, parameter :: i_supercell = 10

◆ i_squallline

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_squallline = 11

Definition at line 103 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

103  integer, public, parameter :: i_squallline = 11

◆ i_wk1982

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_wk1982 = 12

Definition at line 104 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

104  integer, public, parameter :: i_wk1982 = 12

◆ i_dycoms2_rf01

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_dycoms2_rf01 = 13

Definition at line 105 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

105  integer, public, parameter :: i_dycoms2_rf01 = 13

◆ i_dycoms2_rf02

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_dycoms2_rf02 = 14

Definition at line 106 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

106  integer, public, parameter :: i_dycoms2_rf02 = 14

◆ i_rico

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_rico = 15

Definition at line 107 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

107  integer, public, parameter :: i_rico = 15

◆ i_interporation

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_interporation = 16

Definition at line 109 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit_setup().

109  integer, public, parameter :: i_interporation = 16

◆ i_landcouple

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_landcouple = 17

Definition at line 111 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

111  integer, public, parameter :: i_landcouple = 17

◆ i_oceancouple

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_oceancouple = 18

Definition at line 112 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

112  integer, public, parameter :: i_oceancouple = 18

◆ i_urbancouple

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_urbancouple = 19

Definition at line 113 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

113  integer, public, parameter :: i_urbancouple = 19

◆ i_triplecouple

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_triplecouple = 20

Definition at line 114 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

114  integer, public, parameter :: i_triplecouple = 20

◆ i_bubblecouple

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_bubblecouple = 21

Definition at line 115 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

115  integer, public, parameter :: i_bubblecouple = 21

◆ i_seabreeze

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_seabreeze = 22

Definition at line 117 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

117  integer, public, parameter :: i_seabreeze = 22

◆ i_heatisland

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_heatisland = 23

Definition at line 118 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

118  integer, public, parameter :: i_heatisland = 23

◆ i_dycoms2_rf02_dns

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_dycoms2_rf02_dns = 24

Definition at line 120 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

120  integer, public, parameter :: i_dycoms2_rf02_dns = 24

◆ i_real

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_real = 25

Definition at line 122 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

122  integer, public, parameter :: i_real = 25

◆ i_grayzone

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_grayzone = 26

Definition at line 124 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

124  integer, public, parameter :: i_grayzone = 26

◆ i_boxaero

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_boxaero = 27

Definition at line 125 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

125  integer, public, parameter :: i_boxaero = 27

◆ i_warmbubbleaero

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_warmbubbleaero = 28

Definition at line 126 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

126  integer, public, parameter :: i_warmbubbleaero = 28

◆ i_cavityflow

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_cavityflow = 29

Definition at line 128 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

128  integer, public, parameter :: i_cavityflow = 29

◆ i_barocwave

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_barocwave = 30

Definition at line 129 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

129  integer, public, parameter :: i_barocwave = 30

◆ i_bomex

integer, parameter, public mod_mkinit::i_bomex = 31

Definition at line 130 of file mod_mkinit.F90.

Referenced by mkinit(), and mkinit_setup().

130  integer, public, parameter :: i_bomex = 31