Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #include "scalelib.h"
13  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  !
15  !++ used modules
16  !
17  use scale_precision
18  use scale_io
19  use scale_prof
21  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
22  implicit none
23  private
24  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25  !
26  !++ Public procedure
27  !
29  public :: cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp
31  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32  !
33  !++ Public parameters & variables
34  !
35  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36  !
37  !++ Private procedure
38  !
39  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40  !
41  !++ Private parameters & variables
42  !
43  logical :: initialized = .false.
45  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 contains
47  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50  implicit none
51  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  if ( initialized ) return
55  log_newline
56  log_info("CPL_PHY_SFC_FIXED_TEMP_setup",*) 'Setup'
58  initialized = .true.
60  return
61  end subroutine cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp_setup
63  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64  subroutine cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp( &
65  IA, IS, IE, &
66  JA, JS, JE, &
67  TMPA, PRSA, &
68  WA, UA, VA, &
69  RHOA, QVA, LH, &
70  Z1, PBL, &
71  RHOS, PRSS, &
72  RFLXD, &
73  TMPS, QVEF, &
74  ALBEDO, &
75  Rb, Z0M, Z0H, Z0E, &
76  calc_flag, dt, &
79  U10, V10, T2, Q2 )
80  use scale_const, only: &
81  pre00 => const_pre00, &
82  rdry => const_rdry, &
83  cpdry => const_cpdry, &
84  rvap => const_rvap, &
85  stb => const_stb
86  use scale_atmos_saturation, only: &
87  qsat => atmos_saturation_pres2qsat_all
88  use scale_bulkflux, only: &
89  bulkflux
90  implicit none
92  integer, intent(in) :: ia, is, ie
93  integer, intent(in) :: JA, JS, JE
94  real(RP), intent(in) :: TMPA (ia,ja) ! temperature at the lowest atmospheric layer [K]
95  real(RP), intent(in) :: PRSA (ia,ja) ! pressure at the lowest atmospheric layer [Pa]
96  real(RP), intent(in) :: WA (ia,ja) ! velocity w at the lowest atmospheric layer [m/s]
97  real(RP), intent(in) :: UA (ia,ja) ! velocity u at the lowest atmospheric layer [m/s]
98  real(RP), intent(in) :: VA (ia,ja) ! velocity v at the lowest atmospheric layer [m/s]
99  real(RP), intent(in) :: RHOA (ia,ja) ! density at the lowest atmospheric layer [kg/m3]
100  real(RP), intent(in) :: QVA (ia,ja) ! ratio of water vapor mass to total mass at the lowest atmospheric layer [kg/kg]
101  real(RP), intent(in) :: LH (ia,ja) ! latent heat at the lowest atmospheric layer [J/kg]
102  real(RP), intent(in) :: Z1 (ia,ja) ! cell center height at the lowest atmospheric layer [m]
103  real(RP), intent(in) :: PBL (ia,ja) ! the top of atmospheric mixing layer [m]
104  real(RP), intent(in) :: RHOS (ia,ja) ! density at the surface [kg/m3]
105  real(RP), intent(in) :: PRSS (ia,ja) ! pressure at the surface [Pa]
106  real(RP), intent(in) :: RFLXD (ia,ja,n_rad_dir,n_rad_rgn) ! downward radiation flux at the surface (direct/diffuse,IR/near-IR/VIS) [J/m2/s]
107  real(RP), intent(in) :: TMPS (ia,ja) ! surface temperature [K]
108  real(RP), intent(in) :: QVEF (ia,ja) ! efficiency of evaporation (0-1)
109  real(RP), intent(in) :: ALBEDO (ia,ja,n_rad_dir,n_rad_rgn) ! surface albedo (direct/diffuse,IR/near-IR/VIS) (0-1)
110  real(RP), intent(in) :: Rb (ia,ja) ! stomata resistance [1/s]
111  real(RP), intent(in) :: Z0M (ia,ja) ! roughness length for momemtum [m]
112  real(RP), intent(in) :: Z0H (ia,ja) ! roughness length for heat [m]
113  real(RP), intent(in) :: Z0E (ia,ja) ! roughness length for vapor [m]
114  logical, intent(in) :: calc_flag(ia,ja) ! to decide calculate or not
115  real(DP), intent(in) :: dt ! delta time
116  real(RP), intent(out) :: ZMFLX (ia,ja) ! z-momentum flux at the surface [kg/m/s2]
117  real(RP), intent(out) :: XMFLX (ia,ja) ! x-momentum flux at the surface [kg/m/s2]
118  real(RP), intent(out) :: YMFLX (ia,ja) ! y-momentum flux at the surface [kg/m/s2]
119  real(RP), intent(out) :: SHFLX (ia,ja) ! sensible heat flux at the surface [J/m2/s]
120  real(RP), intent(out) :: QVFLX (ia,ja) ! water vapor flux at the surface [kg/m2/s]
121  real(RP), intent(out) :: GFLX (ia,ja) ! subsurface heat flux at the surface [J/m2/s]
122  real(RP), intent(out) :: U10 (ia,ja) ! velocity u at 10m [m/s]
123  real(RP), intent(out) :: V10 (ia,ja) ! velocity v at 10m [m/s]
124  real(RP), intent(out) :: T2 (ia,ja) ! temperature at 2m [K]
125  real(RP), intent(out) :: Q2 (ia,ja) ! water vapor at 2m [kg/kg]
127  real(RP) :: emis ! surface longwave emission [J/m2/s]
128  real(RP) :: LWD ! surface downward longwave radiation flux [J/m2/s]
129  real(RP) :: LWU ! surface upward longwave radiation flux [J/m2/s]
130  real(RP) :: SWD ! surface downward shortwave radiation flux [J/m2/s]
131  real(RP) :: SWU ! surface upward shortwave radiation flux [J/m2/s]
132  real(RP) :: res ! residual
134  real(RP) :: Ustar ! friction velocity [m]
135  real(RP) :: Tstar ! friction potential temperature [K]
136  real(RP) :: Qstar ! friction water vapor mass ratio [kg/kg]
137  real(RP) :: Uabs ! modified absolute velocity [m/s]
138  real(RP) :: Ra ! Aerodynamic resistance (=1/Ce) [1/s]
140  real(RP) :: QVsat ! saturation water vapor mixing ratio at surface [kg/kg]
141  real(RP) :: QVS ! water vapor mixing ratio at surface [kg/kg]
142  real(RP) :: Rtot ! total gas constant
143  real(RP) :: qdry ! dry air mass ratio [kg/kg]
145  real(RP) :: FracU10 ! calculation parameter for U10 [1]
146  real(RP) :: FracT2 ! calculation parameter for T2 [1]
147  real(RP) :: FracQ2 ! calculation parameter for Q2 [1]
149  integer :: i, j
150  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
152  log_progress(*) 'coupler / physics / surface / FIXED-TEMP'
154  ! calculate surface flux
155 #ifndef __GFORTRAN__
156  !$omp parallel do default(none) &
157  !$omp private(qdry,Rtot,QVsat,QVS,Ustar,Tstar,Qstar,Uabs,Ra,FracU10,FracT2,FracQ2,res,emis,LWD,LWU,SWD,SWU) &
158  !$omp shared(IS,IE,JS,JE,Rdry,CPdry,bulkflux, &
161 #else
162  !$omp parallel do default(shared) &
163  !$omp private(qdry,Rtot,QVsat,QVS,Ustar,Tstar,Qstar,Uabs,Ra,FracU10,FracT2,FracQ2,res,emis,LWD,LWU,SWD,SWU)
164 #endif
165  do j = js, je
166  do i = is, ie
167  if ( calc_flag(i,j) ) then
169  qdry = 1.0_rp - qva(i,j)
170  rtot = qdry * rdry + qva(i,j) * rvap
172  call qsat( tmps(i,j), prss(i,j), qdry, qvsat )
174  qvs = ( 1.0_rp-qvef(i,j) ) * qva(i,j) &
175  + ( qvef(i,j) ) * qvsat
177  call bulkflux( ustar, & ! [OUT]
178  tstar, & ! [OUT]
179  qstar, & ! [OUT]
180  uabs, & ! [OUT]
181  ra, & ! [OUT]
182  fracu10, & ! [OUT]
183  fract2, & ! [OUT]
184  fracq2, & ! [OUT]
185  tmpa(i,j), & ! [IN]
186  tmps(i,j), & ! [IN]
187  prsa(i,j), & ! [IN]
188  prss(i,j), & ! [IN]
189  qva(i,j), & ! [IN]
190  qvs, & ! [IN]
191  ua(i,j), & ! [IN]
192  va(i,j), & ! [IN]
193  z1(i,j), & ! [IN]
194  pbl(i,j), & ! [IN]
195  z0m(i,j), & ! [IN]
196  z0h(i,j), & ! [IN]
197  z0e(i,j) ) ! [IN]
199  zmflx(i,j) = -rhos(i,j) * ustar * ustar / uabs * wa(i,j)
200  xmflx(i,j) = -rhos(i,j) * ustar * ustar / uabs * ua(i,j)
201  ymflx(i,j) = -rhos(i,j) * ustar * ustar / uabs * va(i,j)
202  shflx(i,j) = -rhos(i,j) * ustar * tstar * cpdry
203  qvflx(i,j) = -rhos(i,j) * ustar * qstar * ra / ( ra+rb(i,j) )
205  emis = ( 1.0_rp-albedo(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_ir) ) * stb * tmps(i,j)**4
207  lwd = rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_ir)
208  lwu = rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_ir) * albedo(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_ir) + emis
209  swd = rflxd(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_nir) &
210  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_nir) &
211  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_vis) &
212  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_vis)
213  swu = rflxd(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_nir) * albedo(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_nir) &
214  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_nir) * albedo(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_nir) &
215  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_vis) * albedo(i,j,i_r_direct ,i_r_vis) &
216  + rflxd(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_vis) * albedo(i,j,i_r_diffuse,i_r_vis)
218  ! calculation for residual
219  res = swd - swu + lwd - lwu - shflx(i,j) - qvflx(i,j) * lh(i,j)
221  ! put residual in ground heat flux (positive for upward)
222  gflx(i,j) = -res
224  ! diagnostic variables considering unstable/stable state
225  !U10(i,j) = FracU10 * UA(i,j)
226  !V10(i,j) = FracU10 * VA(i,j)
227  !T2 (i,j) = ( 1.0_RP - FracT2 ) * TMPS(i,j) + FracT2 * TMPA(i,j)
228  !Q2 (i,j) = ( 1.0_RP - FracQ2 ) * QVS + FracQ2 * QVA (i,j)
230  ! diagnostic variables for neutral state
231  u10(i,j) = ua(i,j) * log( 10.0_rp / z0m(i,j) ) / log( z1(i,j) / z0m(i,j) )
232  v10(i,j) = va(i,j) * log( 10.0_rp / z0m(i,j) ) / log( z1(i,j) / z0m(i,j) )
233  t2(i,j) = tmps(i,j) + ( tmpa(i,j) - tmps(i,j) ) * log( 2.0_rp / z0h(i,j) ) / log( z1(i,j) / z0h(i,j) )
234  q2(i,j) = qvs + ( qva(i,j) - qvs ) * log( 2.0_rp / z0e(i,j) ) / log( z1(i,j) / z0e(i,j) )
236  else ! not calculate surface flux
237  zmflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
238  xmflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
239  ymflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
240  shflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
241  qvflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
242  gflx(i,j) = 0.0_rp
243  u10(i,j) = 0.0_rp
244  v10(i,j) = 0.0_rp
245  t2(i,j) = 0.0_rp
246  q2(i,j) = 0.0_rp
247  endif
248  enddo
249  enddo
251  return
252  end subroutine cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp
module coupler / surface fixed temp model
real(rp), public const_cpdry
specific heat (dry air,constant pressure) [J/kg/K]
Definition: scale_const.F90:56
module atmosphere / saturation
real(rp), parameter, public const_stb
Stefan-Boltzman constant [W/m2/K4].
Definition: scale_const.F90:49
module coupler / surface-atmospehre
integer, parameter, public i_r_vis
subroutine, public cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp_setup
integer, parameter, public n_rad_dir
integer, parameter, public n_rad_rgn
real(rp), public const_rdry
specific gas constant (dry air) [J/kg/K]
Definition: scale_const.F90:55
real(rp), public const_pre00
pressure reference [Pa]
Definition: scale_const.F90:88
procedure(bc), pointer, public bulkflux
real(rp), parameter, public const_rvap
specific gas constant (water vapor) [J/kg/K]
Definition: scale_const.F90:63
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
integer, parameter, public i_r_direct
module profiler
Definition: scale_prof.F90:11
module Surface bulk flux
integer, parameter, public i_r_nir
integer, parameter, public i_r_ir
module STDIO
Definition: scale_io.F90:10
integer, parameter, public i_r_diffuse
subroutine, public cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp(IA, IS, IE, JA, JS, JE, TMPA, PRSA, WA, UA, VA, RHOA, QVA, LH, Z1, PBL, RHOS, PRSS, RFLXD, TMPS, QVEF, ALBEDO, Rb, Z0M, Z0H, Z0E, calc_flag, dt, ZMFLX, XMFLX, YMFLX, SHFLX, QVFLX, GFLX, U10, V10, T2, Q2)