Functions/Subroutines | Variables
scale_calendar Module Reference

module CALENDAR More...


subroutine, public calendar_setup
 Setup. More...
subroutine, public calendar_getdayofyear (DayOfYear, iyear)
 Get day of year. More...
subroutine, public calendar_date2daysec (absday, abssec, ymdhms, subsec, offset_year)
 Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_daysec2date (ymdhms, subsec, absday, abssec, offset_year)
 Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_ymd2absday (absday, gyear, gmonth, gday, oyear)
 Convert from gregorian date to absolute day, DAY 0 is AD1/1/1. More...
subroutine, public calendar_hms2abssec (abssec, hour, minute, second, subsec)
 Hour, minute, second, subsecond -> absolute second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_adjust_daysec (absday, abssec)
 Adjust day and second. More...
real(dp) function, public calendar_combine_daysec (absday, abssec)
 Combine day and second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_unit2sec (second, value, unit)
 Convert several units to second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_sec2unit (value, second, unit)
 Convert several second to specified unit. More...
real(dp) function, public calendar_cfunits2sec (cftime, cfunits, offset_year, startdaysec)
 Convert time in units of the CF convention to second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_date2char (chardate, ymdhms, subsec)
 Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second. More...
subroutine, public calendar_get_name (name)


integer, parameter, public i_year = 1
 [index] year More...
integer, parameter, public i_month = 2
 [index] month More...
integer, parameter, public i_day = 3
 [index] day More...
integer, parameter, public i_hour = 4
 [index] hour More...
integer, parameter, public i_min = 5
 [index] minute More...
integer, parameter, public i_sec = 6
 [index] second More...
real(dp), public calendar_doi = 365.0_DP
 days of year More...
real(dp), public calendar_hour = 24.0_DP
 hours of day More...
real(dp), public calendar_min = 60.0_DP
 minutes of hour More...
real(dp), public calendar_sec = 60.0_DP
 seconds of minute More...

Detailed Description


gregorian calendar module this module is available in gregorian calendar date
    nametypedefault valuecomment
    CALENDAR_360DAYS logical .false.
    CALENDAR_365DAYS logical .false.
    CALENDAR_HOUR real(DP) 24.0_DP hours of day
    CALENDAR_MIN real(DP) 60.0_DP minutes of hour
    CALENDAR_SEC real(DP) 60.0_DP seconds of minute
    CALENDAR_USER_DEFINED integer, dimension(12)
    DEBUG logical .false.

History Output
No history output

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ calendar_setup()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_setup


Definition at line 95 of file scale_calendar.F90.

95  use scale_prc, only: &
96  prc_abort
97  implicit none
99  namelist / param_calendar / &
100  calendar_360days, &
101  calendar_365days, &
102  calendar_hour, &
103  calendar_min, &
104  calendar_sec, &
105  calendar_user_defined, &
106  debug
108  integer :: ierr, i
109  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
111  log_newline
112  log_info("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'Setup'
114  calendar_user_defined(:) = 0
116  !--- read namelist
117  rewind(io_fid_conf)
118  read(io_fid_conf,nml=param_calendar,iostat=ierr)
119  if( ierr < 0 ) then !--- missing
120  log_info("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'Not found namelist. Default used.'
121  elseif( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
122  log_error("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_CALENDAR. Check!'
123  call prc_abort
124  endif
125  log_nml(param_calendar)
127  log_newline
128  log_info("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'Calendar settings'
129  if ( maxval(calendar_user_defined) > 0 ) then
130  dayofmonth(:,i_user) = calendar_user_defined(:)
131  calendar_doi = sum(calendar_user_defined)
132  calendar_user = .true.
133  log_info_cont(*) 'DayOfYear = ', int(calendar_doi), ' : user defined calendar'
134  do i = 1, 12
135  if ( calendar_user_defined(i) > 0 ) then
136  log_info_cont(*) 'month #', i, ': ', calendar_user_defined(i), "days"
137  else
138  calendar_month = i - 1
139  exit
140  endif
141  enddo
142  elseif( calendar_360days ) then
143  calendar_doi = 360.0_dp
144  log_info_cont(*) 'DayOfYear = 360 : ideal setting'
145  elseif( calendar_365days ) then
146  calendar_doi = 365.0_dp
147  log_info_cont(*) 'DayOfYear = 365 : ideal setting'
148  else
149  log_info_cont(*) 'DayOfYear = 365 or 366 : Gregorian calendar'
150  endif
152  if (int(calendar_sec) /= calendar_sec .or. int(calendar_sec) == 0 ) then
153  log_error("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'CALENDAR_SEC must be a natural number!'
154  call abort
155  elseif (int(calendar_min) /= calendar_min .or. int(calendar_min) == 0 ) then
156  log_error("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'CALENDAR_MIN must be a natural number!'
157  call abort
158  elseif (int(calendar_hour) /= calendar_hour .or. int(calendar_hour) == 0 ) then
159  log_error("CALENDAR_setup",*) 'CALENDAR_HOUR must be a natural number!'
160  call abort
161  endif
164  return

References calendar_doi, calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, scale_io::io_fid_conf, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by mod_rm_driver::rm_driver(), and mod_rm_prep::rm_prep().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_getdayofyear()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_getdayofyear ( real(dp), intent(out)  DayOfYear,
integer, intent(in)  iyear 

Get day of year.

Definition at line 172 of file scale_calendar.F90.

172  implicit none
174  real(DP), intent(out) :: DayOfYear ! # of day of year
175  integer, intent(in) :: iyear ! current year
176  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
178  dayofyear = calendar_doi
179  if( checkleap(iyear) ) dayofyear = calendar_doi + 1.0_dp
181  return

References calendar_doi.

◆ calendar_date2daysec()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_date2daysec ( integer, intent(out)  absday,
real(dp), intent(out)  abssec,
integer, dimension(6), intent(in)  ymdhms,
real(dp), intent(in)  subsec,
integer, intent(in)  offset_year 

Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second.

[out]absdayabsolute day
[out]abssecabsolute second
[in]offset_yearoffset year

Definition at line 192 of file scale_calendar.F90.

192  implicit none
194  integer, intent(out) :: absday
195  real(DP), intent(out) :: abssec
196  integer, intent(in) :: ymdhms(6)
197  real(DP), intent(in) :: subsec
198  integer, intent(in) :: offset_year
199  integer :: ileap
200  logical :: date_error = .false.
201  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
203  ! check date
204  if ( ymdhms(i_month) < 1 .or. calendar_month < ymdhms(i_month) ) then
205  log_error("CALENDAR_date2daysec",*) 'Inputted month does not match to the calendar.'
206  date_error = .true.
207  endif
209  ileap = i_nonleapyear
210  if( checkleap(ymdhms(i_year)+offset_year) ) ileap = i_leapyear
211  if( calendar_360days ) ileap = i_360days
212  if( calendar_user ) ileap = i_user
214  if ( ymdhms(i_day ) < 1 .or. dayofmonth(ymdhms(i_month),ileap) < ymdhms(i_day) ) then
215  log_error("CALENDAR_date2daysec",*) 'Inputted day does not match to the calendar.'
216  date_error = .true.
217  endif
218  if ( ymdhms(i_hour) < 0 .or. (int(calendar_hour)-1) < ymdhms(i_hour) ) then
219  log_error("CALENDAR_date2daysec",*) 'Inputted hour does not match to the calendar.'
220  date_error = .true.
221  endif
222  if ( ymdhms(i_min ) < 0 .or. (int(calendar_min )-1) < ymdhms(i_min ) ) then
223  log_error("CALENDAR_date2daysec",*) 'Inputted minute does not match to the calendar.'
224  date_error = .true.
225  endif
226  if ( ymdhms(i_sec ) < 0 .or. (int(calendar_sec )-1) < ymdhms(i_sec ) ) then
227  log_error("CALENDAR_date2daysec",*) 'Inputted second does not match to the calendar.'
228  date_error = .true.
229  endif
230  if( date_error ) call abort
232  call calendar_ymd2absday( absday, & ! [OUT]
233  ymdhms(i_year), & ! [IN]
234  ymdhms(i_month), & ! [IN]
235  ymdhms(i_day), & ! [IN]
236  offset_year ) ! [IN]
238  call calendar_hms2abssec( abssec, & ! [OUT]
239  ymdhms(i_hour), & ! [IN]
240  ymdhms(i_min), & ! [IN]
241  ymdhms(i_sec), & ! [IN]
242  subsec ) ! [IN]
244  return

References calendar_hms2abssec(), calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, calendar_ymd2absday(), i_day, i_hour, i_min, i_month, i_sec, and i_year.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_finalize(), scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_read(), scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_setup(), calendar_cfunits2sec(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_query(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_regist_file(), and scale_letkf::letkf_add_inflation_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_daysec2date()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_daysec2date ( integer, dimension(6), intent(out)  ymdhms,
real(dp), intent(out)  subsec,
integer, intent(in)  absday,
real(dp), intent(in)  abssec,
integer, intent(in)  offset_year 

Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second.

[in]absdayabsolute day
[in]abssecabsolute second
[in]offset_yearoffset year

Definition at line 255 of file scale_calendar.F90.

255  implicit none
257  integer, intent(out) :: ymdhms(6)
258  real(DP), intent(out) :: subsec
259  integer, intent(in) :: absday
260  real(DP), intent(in) :: abssec
261  integer, intent(in) :: offset_year
262  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
264  call calendar_absday2ymd( ymdhms(i_year), & ! [OUT]
265  ymdhms(i_month), & ! [OUT]
266  ymdhms(i_day), & ! [OUT]
267  absday, & ! [IN]
268  offset_year ) ! [IN]
270  call calendar_abssec2hms( ymdhms(i_hour), & ! [OUT]
271  ymdhms(i_min), & ! [OUT]
272  ymdhms(i_sec), & ! [OUT]
273  subsec, & ! [OUT]
274  abssec ) ! [IN]
276  return

References i_day, i_hour, i_min, i_month, i_sec, and i_year.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_advance(), mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_setup(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_query(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_regist_file(), and scale_letkf::letkf_add_inflation_setup().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_ymd2absday()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_ymd2absday ( integer, intent(out)  absday,
integer, intent(in)  gyear,
integer, intent(in)  gmonth,
integer, intent(in)  gday,
integer, intent(in)  oyear 

Convert from gregorian date to absolute day, DAY 0 is AD1/1/1.

[out]absdayabsolute day
[in]oyearoffset year

Definition at line 287 of file scale_calendar.F90.

287  implicit none
289  integer, intent(out) :: absday
290  integer, intent(in) :: gyear
291  integer, intent(in) :: gmonth
292  integer, intent(in) :: gday
293  integer, intent(in) :: oyear
295  integer :: gyear_mod, gmonth_mod
296  integer :: yearday, monthday
297  integer :: m, ileap
298  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
300  gmonth_mod = mod( gmonth-1, calendar_month ) + 1
301  gyear_mod = gyear + ( gmonth-gmonth_mod ) / calendar_month
303  if ( calendar_360days .OR. calendar_365days .or. calendar_user) then
304  yearday = int( calendar_doi * ( gyear_mod - oyear ) )
305  else
306  yearday = int( calendar_doi * ( gyear_mod - oyear ) ) &
307  + int( real(gyear_mod-1,kind=dp) / 4.0_dp ) &
308  - int( real(gyear_mod-1,kind=dp) / 100.0_dp ) &
309  + int( real(gyear_mod-1,kind=dp) / 400.0_dp ) &
310  - int( real(oyear -1,kind=dp) / 4.0_dp ) &
311  + int( real(oyear -1,kind=dp) / 100.0_dp ) &
312  - int( real(oyear -1,kind=dp) / 400.0_dp )
313  endif
315  ileap = i_nonleapyear
316  if( checkleap(gyear_mod) ) ileap = i_leapyear
317  if( calendar_360days ) ileap = i_360days
318  if( calendar_user ) ileap = i_user
320  monthday = 0
321  do m = 1, gmonth_mod-1
322  monthday = monthday + dayofmonth(m,ileap)
323  enddo
325  absday = yearday + monthday + gday - 1
327  return

References calendar_doi, and scale_precision::dp.

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_ecliptic_longitude(), calendar_date2char(), and calendar_date2daysec().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_hms2abssec()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_hms2abssec ( real(dp), intent(out)  abssec,
integer, intent(in)  hour,
integer, intent(in)  minute,
integer, intent(in)  second,
real(dp), intent(in)  subsec 

Hour, minute, second, subsecond -> absolute second.

[out]abssecabsolute second

Definition at line 384 of file scale_calendar.F90.

384  implicit none
386  real(DP), intent(out) :: abssec
387  integer, intent(in) :: hour
388  integer, intent(in) :: minute
389  integer, intent(in) :: second
390  real(DP), intent(in) :: subsec
391  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
393  abssec = real(hour, kind=dp) * calendar_min * calendar_sec &
394  + real(minute,kind=dp) * calendar_sec &
395  + real(second,kind=dp) &
396  + subsec
398  return

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, and scale_precision::dp.

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_ecliptic_longitude(), and calendar_date2daysec().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_adjust_daysec()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_adjust_daysec ( integer, intent(inout)  absday,
real(dp), intent(inout)  abssec 

Adjust day and second.

[in,out]absdayabsolute day
[in,out]abssecabsolute second

Definition at line 442 of file scale_calendar.F90.

442  implicit none
444  integer, intent(inout) :: absday
445  real(DP), intent(inout) :: abssec
447  integer :: addday
448  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
450  addday = int( abssec / ( calendar_hour * calendar_min * calendar_sec ) )
452  absday = absday + addday
454  abssec = abssec - real(addday,kind=dp) * calendar_hour * calendar_min * calendar_sec
456  if ( abssec < 0.0_dp ) then
457  absday = absday - 1
458  abssec = abssec + calendar_hour * calendar_min * calendar_sec
459  endif
461  return

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, and scale_precision::dp.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_advance(), mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_query(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_regist_file(), and scale_letkf::letkf_add_inflation_setup().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_combine_daysec()

real(dp) function, public scale_calendar::calendar_combine_daysec ( integer, intent(in)  absday,
real(dp), intent(in)  abssec 

Combine day and second.

[in]absdayabsolute day
[in]abssecabsolute second
absolute day.second

Definition at line 467 of file scale_calendar.F90.

467  implicit none
469  integer, intent(in) :: absday
470  real(DP), intent(in) :: abssec
471  real(DP) :: daysec
472  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
474  daysec = real(absday,kind=dp) * calendar_sec * calendar_min * calendar_hour &
475  + abssec
477  return

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, and scale_precision::dp.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_advance(), mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), calendar_cfunits2sec(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_query(), and scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_regist_file().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_unit2sec()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_unit2sec ( real(dp), intent(out)  second,
real(dp), intent(in)  value,
character(len=*), intent(in)  unit 

Convert several units to second.

[in]unitvariable unit

Definition at line 486 of file scale_calendar.F90.

486  use scale_prc, only: &
487  prc_abort
488  implicit none
490  real(DP), intent(out) :: second
491  real(DP), intent(in) :: value
492  character(len=*), intent(in) :: unit
493  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
495  select case(unit)
496  case('MSEC')
497  second = value * 1.e-3_dp
498  case('SEC', 'seconds')
499  second = value
500  case('MIN')
501  second = value * calendar_sec
502  case('HOUR')
503  second = value * calendar_sec * calendar_min
504  case('DAY')
505  second = value * calendar_sec * calendar_min * calendar_hour
506  case default
507  log_error("CALENDAR_unit2sec",*) 'Unsupported UNIT: ', trim(unit), ', ', value
508  call prc_abort
509  endselect
511  return

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), calendar_cfunits2sec(), scale_file_history::file_history_setup(), scale_land_dyn_bucket::land_dyn_bucket_setup(), scale_ocean_dyn_slab::ocean_dyn_slab_setup(), and scale_ocean_phy_ice_simple::ocean_phy_ice_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_sec2unit()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_sec2unit ( real(dp), intent(out)  value,
real(dp), intent(in)  second,
character(len=*), intent(in)  unit 

Convert several second to specified unit.

Definition at line 520 of file scale_calendar.F90.

520  use scale_prc, only: &
521  prc_abort
522  implicit none
524  real(DP), intent(out) :: value
525  real(DP), intent( in) :: second
526  character(len=*), intent( in) :: unit
527  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
529  select case(trim(unit))
530  case('MSEC', 'msec')
531  value = second / 1.0e-3_dp
532  case('SEC', 'seconds', 'sec', 's')
533  value = second
534  case('MIN', 'mins', 'min')
535  value = second / calendar_sec
536  case('HOUR', 'hours', 'hour', 'h')
537  value = second / (calendar_sec * calendar_min)
538  case('DAY', 'days', 'day')
539  value = second / (calendar_sec * calendar_min * calendar_hour)
540  case default
541  log_error("CALENDAR_sec2unit",*) 'Unsupported UNIT: ', trim(unit), ', ', value
542  call prc_abort
543  endselect

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by scale_file_history::file_history_set_attribute_double().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_cfunits2sec()

real(dp) function, public scale_calendar::calendar_cfunits2sec ( real(dp), intent(in)  cftime,
character(len=*), intent(in)  cfunits,
integer, intent(in)  offset_year,
real(dp), intent(in), optional  startdaysec 

Convert time in units of the CF convention to second.

Definition at line 550 of file scale_calendar.F90.

550  use scale_prc, only: &
551  prc_abort
552  implicit none
554  real(DP), intent(in) :: cftime
555  character(len=*), intent(in) :: cfunits
556  integer, intent(in) :: offset_year
557  real(DP), intent(in), optional :: startdaysec
558  real(DP) :: sec
560  character(len=H_MID) :: tunit
561  character(len=H_MID) :: buf
563  integer :: date(6)
564  integer :: day
565  real(DP) :: sec0
567  integer :: l
569  intrinsic index
570  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
572  l = index( cfunits, " since " )
573  if ( l > 1 ) then ! untis is under the CF convension
574  tunit = cfunits(1:l-1)
575  buf = cfunits(l+7:)
577  l = index(buf,"-")
578  if ( l /= 5 ) then
579  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (year)'
580  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
581  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
582  call prc_abort
583  end if
584  read(buf(1:4),*) date(1) ! year
585  buf = buf(6:)
587  l = index(buf,"-")
588  if ( l /= 3 ) then
589  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (month)'
590  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
591  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
592  call prc_abort
593  end if
594  read(buf(1:2),*) date(2) ! month
595  buf = buf(4:)
597  l = index(buf," ")
598  if ( l /= 3 ) then
599  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (day)'
600  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
601  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
602  call prc_abort
603  end if
604  read(buf(1:2),*) date(3) ! day
605  buf = buf(4:)
607  l = index(buf,":")
608  if ( l /= 3 ) then
609  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (hour)'
610  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
611  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
612  call prc_abort
613  end if
614  read(buf(1:2),*) date(4) ! hour
615  buf = buf(4:)
617  l = index(buf,":")
618  if ( l /= 3 ) then
619  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (min)'
620  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
621  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
622  call prc_abort
623  end if
624  read(buf(1:2),*) date(5) ! min
625  buf = buf(4:)
627  if ( len_trim(buf) /= 2 ) then
628  log_error("CALENDAR_CFunits2sec",*) 'units for time is invalid (sec)'
629  log_error_cont(*) trim(cfunits)
630  log_error_cont(*) trim(buf)
631  log_error_cont(*) len_trim(buf)
632  call prc_abort
633  end if
634  read(buf(1:2),*) date(6) ! sec
636  call calendar_date2daysec( day, & ! (out)
637  sec0, & ! (out)
638  date(:), & ! (in)
639  0.0_dp, & ! (in)
640  offset_year ) ! (in)
642  sec0 = calendar_combine_daysec( day, sec0 )
643  else
644  tunit = cfunits
645  if ( present(startdaysec) ) then
646  sec0 = startdaysec
647  else
648  sec0 = 0.0_dp
649  end if
650  end if
652  call calendar_unit2sec( sec, cftime, tunit )
654  sec = sec0 + sec
656  return

References calendar_combine_daysec(), calendar_date2daysec(), calendar_unit2sec(), and scale_prc::prc_abort().

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_query(), and scale_file_external_input::file_external_input_regist_file().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_date2char()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_date2char ( character(len=27), intent(out)  chardate,
integer, dimension(6), intent(in)  ymdhms,
real(dp), intent(in)  subsec 

Convert from gregorian date to absolute day/second.

[out]chardateformatted date character

Definition at line 665 of file scale_calendar.F90.

665  implicit none
667  character(len=27), intent(out) :: chardate
668  integer, intent(in) :: ymdhms(6)
669  real(DP), intent(in) :: subsec
671  character(len=4) :: seclen
672  character(len=4) :: minlen
673  character(len=4) :: hourlen
674  character(len=4) :: daylen
675  character(len=4) :: monthlen
678  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
679  if ( calendar_user) then
680  write(daylen, '(A1,I1.1,A1,I1.1)') 'I', int(log10(real(maxval(calendar_user_defined))))+1, &
681  '.', int(log10(real(maxval(calendar_user_defined))))+1
682  if( calendar_month < 10 ) then
683  write(monthlen, '(A4)') 'I1.1'
684  else
685  write(monthlen, '(A4)') 'I2.2'
686  endif
687  else
688  write(daylen, '(A4)') 'I2.2'
689  write(monthlen, '(A4)') 'I2.2'
690  endif
692  write(seclen, '(A1,I1.1,A1,I1.1)') 'I', int(log10(max(calendar_sec -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1, &
693  '.', int(log10(max(calendar_sec -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1
694  write(minlen, '(A1,I1.1,A1,I1.1)') 'I', int(log10(max(calendar_min -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1, &
695  '.', int(log10(max(calendar_min -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1
696  write(hourlen,'(A1,I1.1,A1,I1.1)') 'I', int(log10(max(calendar_hour-1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1, &
697  '.', int(log10(max(calendar_hour-1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)))+1
699 ! write(chardate,'(I4.4,A1,I2.2,A1,I2.2,A1,I2.2,A1,I2.2,A1,I2.2,A2,F6.3)') &
700  write(chardate,'(I4.4,A1,'//monthlen//',A1,'//daylen//',A1,'//hourlen//',A1,'//minlen//',A1,'//seclen//',A2,F6.3)') &
701  ymdhms(1),'/',ymdhms(2),'/',ymdhms(3),' ', &
702  ymdhms(4),':',ymdhms(5),':',ymdhms(6),' +', &
703  subsec
705  return

References calendar_hour, calendar_min, calendar_sec, calendar_ymd2absday(), scale_precision::dp, i_day, i_hour, i_min, i_month, i_sec, and i_year.

Referenced by mod_admin_time::admin_time_checkstate(), mod_admin_time::admin_time_setup(), and scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_setup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calendar_get_name()

subroutine, public scale_calendar::calendar_get_name ( character(len=*), intent(out)  name)

Definition at line 806 of file scale_calendar.F90.

806  character(len=*), intent(out) :: name
808  if ( calendar_360days ) then
809  name = "360_day"
810  elseif( calendar_365days ) then
811  name = "365_day"
812  elseif( calendar_user ) then
813  name = "USER_DEFINED"
814  else
815  name = "gregorian"
816  endif
818  return

Referenced by scale_file_cartesc::file_cartesc_create(), scale_file_history_cartesc::file_history_cartesc_setup(), and scale_file_history_cartesc::file_history_cartesc_truncate_3d().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ i_year

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_year = 1

◆ i_month

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_month = 2

◆ i_day

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_day = 3

◆ i_hour

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_hour = 4

[index] hour

Definition at line 48 of file scale_calendar.F90.

48  integer, public, parameter :: I_hour = 4

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_ecliptic_longitude(), calendar_date2char(), calendar_date2daysec(), and calendar_daysec2date().

◆ i_min

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_min = 5

[index] minute

Definition at line 49 of file scale_calendar.F90.

49  integer, public, parameter :: I_min = 5

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_ecliptic_longitude(), calendar_date2char(), calendar_date2daysec(), and calendar_daysec2date().

◆ i_sec

integer, parameter, public scale_calendar::i_sec = 6

[index] second

Definition at line 50 of file scale_calendar.F90.

50  integer, public, parameter :: I_sec = 6

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_ecliptic_longitude(), calendar_date2char(), calendar_date2daysec(), and calendar_daysec2date().

◆ calendar_doi

real(dp), public scale_calendar::calendar_doi = 365.0_DP

days of year

Definition at line 52 of file scale_calendar.F90.

52  real(DP), public :: CALENDAR_DOI = 365.0_dp

Referenced by scale_atmos_solarins::atmos_solarins_setup(), calendar_getdayofyear(), calendar_setup(), and calendar_ymd2absday().

◆ calendar_hour

real(dp), public scale_calendar::calendar_hour = 24.0_DP

◆ calendar_min

real(dp), public scale_calendar::calendar_min = 60.0_DP

◆ calendar_sec

real(dp), public scale_calendar::calendar_sec = 60.0_DP
subroutine, public prc_abort
Abort Process.
Definition: scale_prc.F90:350
integer, parameter, public i_min
[index] minute
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:49
subroutine, public calendar_hms2abssec(abssec, hour, minute, second, subsec)
Hour, minute, second, subsecond -> absolute second.
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:384
module PROCESS
Definition: scale_prc.F90:11
subroutine, public calendar_ymd2absday(absday, gyear, gmonth, gday, oyear)
Convert from gregorian date to absolute day, DAY 0 is AD1/1/1.
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:287
integer, parameter, public i_hour
[index] hour
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:48
integer, parameter, public i_month
[index] month
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:46
integer, parameter, public i_year
[index] year
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:45
integer, parameter, public i_day
[index] day
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:47
integer, parameter, public i_sec
[index] second
Definition: scale_calendar.F90:50