scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2 Module Reference

module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2 More...


subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_valuew_z_cd2 (valW, mflx, val, GSQRT, CDZ)
 value at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyz_cd2 (flux, mflx, val, GSQRT, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation z-flux at XYZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyz_cd2 (flux, mflx, val, GSQRT, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation X-flux at XYZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyz_cd2 (flux, mflx, val, GSQRT, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation Y-flux at XYZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyw_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J33G, num_diff, CDZ, FDZ, dtrk, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation z-flux at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xyw_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J13G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J13-flux at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xyw_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J23G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J23-flux at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyw_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation X-flux at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyw_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation Y-flux at XYW More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_uyz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J33G, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation z-flux at UY More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_uyz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J13G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J13-flux at UYZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_uyz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J23G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J23-flux at UYZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_uyz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation X-flux at UY More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_uyz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation Y-flux at UY More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xvz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J33G, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation z-flux at XV More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xvz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J13G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J13-flux at XVZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xvz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, J23G, MAPF, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation J23-flux at XVZ More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xvz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation X-flux at XV More...
subroutine, public atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xvz_cd2 (flux, mom, val, DENS, GSQRT, MAPF, num_diff, CDZ, IIS, IIE, JJS, JJE)
 calculation Y-flux at XV More...

Detailed Description

module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2

FVM flux scheme with the cd2 order

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_valuew_z_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_valuew_z_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(out)  valW,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  mflx,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ 

value at XYW

Definition at line 98 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

98  implicit none
100  real(RP), intent(out) :: valw (ka)
101  real(RP), intent(in) :: mflx (ka)
102  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka)
103  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt(ka)
104  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
106  integer :: k
107  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
109  do k = ks, ke-1
110 #ifdef DEBUG
111  call check( __line__, mflx(k) )
113  call check( __line__, val(k) )
114  call check( __line__, val(k+1) )
116 #endif
117  valw(k) = f2 * ( val(k+1)+val(k) )
118  enddo
119 #ifdef DEBUG
120  k = iundef
121 #endif
123 #ifdef DEBUG
125 #endif
128  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mflx,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation z-flux at XYZ

Definition at line 139 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_const::const_eps, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

139  use scale_const, only: &
140  eps => const_eps
141  implicit none
143  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
144  real(RP), intent(in) :: mflx (ka,ia,ja)
145  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
146  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
147  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
148  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
149  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
151  real(RP) :: vel
152  integer :: k, i, j
153  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
155  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
156  !$omp private(vel) &
157  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mflx,val,flux,GSQRT,num_diff)
158  do j = jjs, jje
159  do i = iis, iie
160  do k = ks, ke-1
161 #ifdef DEBUG
162  call check( __line__, mflx(k,i,j) )
164  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
165  call check( __line__, val(k+1,i,j) )
167 #endif
168  vel = mflx(k,i,j)
169  flux(k,i,j) = vel &
170  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
171  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
172  enddo
173  enddo
174  enddo
175 #ifdef DEBUG
176  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
177 #endif
179  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
180  !$omp private(vel) &
181  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mflx,val,flux,GSQRT,num_diff,EPS)
182  do j = jjs, jje
183  do i = iis, iie
184 #ifdef DEBUG
186 #endif
187  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
189  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp
190  enddo
191  enddo
192 #ifdef DEBUG
193  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
194 #endif
196  return
Definition: scale_const.F90:11
real(rp), public const_eps
small number
Definition: scale_const.F90:33
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mflx,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation X-flux at XYZ

Definition at line 207 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

207  implicit none
209  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
210  real(RP), intent(in) :: mflx (ka,ia,ja)
211  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
212  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
213  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
214  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz(ka)
215  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
217  real(RP) :: vel
218  integer :: k, i, j
219  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
221  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
222  !$omp private(vel) &
223  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mflx,val,flux,GSQRT,num_diff)
224  do j = jjs, jje
225  do i = iis-1, iie
226  do k = ks, ke
227 #ifdef DEBUG
228  call check( __line__, mflx(k,i,j) )
230  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
231  call check( __line__, val(k,i+1,j) )
233 #endif
234  vel = mflx(k,i,j)
235  flux(k,i,j) = vel &
236  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i+1,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
237  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
238  enddo
239  enddo
240  enddo
241 #ifdef DEBUG
242  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
243 #endif
245  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mflx,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension(ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation Y-flux at XYZ

Definition at line 256 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

256  implicit none
258  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
259  real(RP), intent(in) :: mflx (ka,ia,ja)
260  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
261  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
262  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
263  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz(ka)
264  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
266  real(RP) :: vel
267  integer :: k, i, j
268  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
270  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
271  !$omp private(vel) &
272  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mflx,val,flux,GSQRT,num_diff)
273  do j = jjs-1, jje
274  do i = iis, iie
275  do k = ks, ke
276 #ifdef DEBUG
277  call check( __line__, mflx(k,i,j) )
279  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
280  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j+1) )
282 #endif
283  vel = mflx(k,i,j)
284  flux(k,i,j) = vel &
285  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j+1)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
286  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
287  enddo
288  enddo
289  enddo
290 #ifdef DEBUG
291  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
292 #endif
294  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyw_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xyw_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), intent(in)  J33G,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
real(rp), dimension (ka-1), intent(in)  FDZ,
real(rp), intent(in)  dtrk,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation z-flux at XYW

Definition at line 308 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

308  implicit none
310  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
311  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
312  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
313  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
314  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
315  real(RP), intent(in) :: j33g
316  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
317  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
318  real(RP), intent(in) :: fdz (ka-1)
319  real(RP), intent(in) :: dtrk
320  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
322  real(RP) :: vel
323  integer :: k, i, j
324  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
326  ! note than z-index is added by -1
328  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
329  !$omp private(vel) &
330  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff,DENS)
331  do j = jjs, jje
332  do i = iis, iie
333  do k = ks+1, ke-1
334 #ifdef DEBUG
335  call check( __line__, mom(k-1,i,j) )
336  call check( __line__, mom(k ,i,j) )
338  call check( __line__, val(k-1,i,j) )
339  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
341 #endif
342  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k-1,i,j) &
343  + mom(k,i,j) ) ) &
344  / dens(k,i,j)
345  flux(k-1,i,j) = j33g * vel &
346  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j)+val(k-1,i,j) ) ) &
347  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
348  enddo
349  enddo
350  enddo
351 #ifdef DEBUG
352  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
353 #endif
355  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
356  !$omp private(vel) &
357  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff,FDZ,dtrk)
358  do j = jjs, jje
359  do i = iis, iie
360 #ifdef DEBUG
363 #endif
364  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS.
365  ! The flux at KS can be non-zero.
366  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
367  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp ! k = KS
371  flux(ke-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp ! k = KE
372  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp ! k = KE+1
373  enddo
374  enddo
376  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xyw_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xyw_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J13G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J13-flux at XYW

Definition at line 388 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

388  implicit none
390  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
391  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
392  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
393  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
394  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
395  real(RP), intent(in) :: j13g (ka,ia,ja)
396  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
397  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
398  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
400  real(RP) :: vel
401  integer :: k, i, j
402  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
404  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
405  !$omp private(vel) &
406  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF)
407  do j = jjs, jje
408  do i = iis, iie
409  do k = ks+2, ke-1
410  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i-1,j) ) ) &
411  / dens(k,i,j)
412  vel = vel * j13g(k,i,j)
413  flux(k-1,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+2) &
414  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j)+val(k-1,i,j) ) )
415  enddo
416  enddo
417  enddo
419  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
420  !$omp private(vel) &
421  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF)
422  do j = jjs, jje
423  do i = iis, iie
424  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS.
425  ! The flux at KS can be non-zero.
426  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
427  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp ! k = KS
429  ! physically incorrect but for numerical stability
430  vel = ( ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(ks+1,i,j)+mom(ks+1,i-1,j) ) ) / dens(ks+1,i,j) &
431  + ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(ks,i,j)+mom(ks,i-1,j) ) ) / dens(ks ,i,j) ) * 0.5_rp
432 ! vel = ( 0.5_RP * ( mom(KS+1,i,j)+mom(KS+1,i-1,j) ) ) &
433 ! / DENS(KS+1,i,j)
434  vel = vel * j13g(ks+1,i,j)
435  flux(ks,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+2) &
436  * ( f2 * ( val(ks+1,i,j)+val(ks,i,j) ) ) ! k = KS+1
439  flux(ke-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
440  enddo
441  enddo
443  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xyw_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xyw_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J23G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J23-flux at XYW

Definition at line 454 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

454  implicit none
456  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
457  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
458  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
459  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
460  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
461  real(RP), intent(in) :: j23g (ka,ia,ja)
462  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
463  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
464  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
466  real(RP) :: vel
467  integer :: k, i, j
468  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
470  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
471  !$omp private(vel) &
472  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF)
473  do j = jjs, jje
474  do i = iis, iie
475  do k = ks+2, ke-1
476  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i,j-1) ) ) &
477  / dens(k,i,j)
478  vel = vel * j23g(k,i,j)
479  flux(k-1,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+1) &
480  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j)+val(k-1,i,j) ) )
481  enddo
482  enddo
483  enddo
485  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
486  !$omp private(vel) &
487  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF)
488  do j = jjs, jje
489  do i = iis, iie
490  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS.
491  ! The flux at KS can be non-zero.
492  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
493  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp ! k = KS
495  ! physically incorrect but for numerical stability
496  vel = ( ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(ks+1,i,j)+mom(ks+1,i,j-1) ) ) / dens(ks+1,i,j) &
497  + ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(ks,i,j)+mom(ks,i,j-1) ) ) / dens(ks ,i,j) ) * 0.5_rp
498 ! vel = ( 0.5_RP * ( mom(KS+1,i,j)+mom(KS+1,i,j-1) ) ) &
499 ! / DENS(KS+1,i,j)
500  vel = vel * j23g(ks+1,i,j)
501  flux(ks,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+1) &
502  * ( f2 * ( val(ks+1,i,j)+val(ks,i,j) ) ) ! k = KS+1
505  flux(ke-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
506  enddo
507  enddo
509  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyw_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xyw_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation X-flux at XYW

Definition at line 522 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_uyz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

522  implicit none
524  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
525  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
526  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
527  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
528  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
529  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
530  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
531  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
532  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
534  real(RP) :: vel
535  integer :: k, i, j
536  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
538  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
539  !$omp private(vel) &
540  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff) &
541  !$omp shared(CDZ)
542  do j = jjs, jje
543  do i = iis-1, iie
544  do k = ks, ke-1
545 #ifdef DEBUG
546  call check( __line__, mom(k ,i,j) )
547  call check( __line__, mom(k+1,i,j) )
549  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
550  call check( __line__, val(k,i+1,j) )
552 #endif
553  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
554  * mom(k+1,i,j) &
555  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
556  * mom(k,i,j) ) &
557  / ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
558  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i+1,j) ) &
559  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
560  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j) ) )
561  flux(k,i,j) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+2) * vel &
562  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i+1,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
563  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
564  enddo
565  enddo
566  enddo
567 #ifdef DEBUG
568  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
569 #endif
571  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
572  !$omp private(vel) &
573  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KE,flux)
574  do j = jjs, jje
575  do i = iis-1, iie
576  flux(ke,i,j) = 0.0_rp
577  enddo
578  enddo
579 #ifdef DEBUG
580  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
581 #endif
583  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyw_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xyw_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation Y-flux at XYW

Definition at line 595 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_xvz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

595  implicit none
597  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
598  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
599  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
600  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
601  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
602  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
603  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
604  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
605  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
607  real(RP) :: vel
608  integer :: k, i, j
609  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
611  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
612  !$omp private(vel) &
613  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff) &
614  !$omp shared(CDZ)
615  do j = jjs-1, jje
616  do i = iis, iie
617  do k = ks, ke-1
618 #ifdef DEBUG
619  call check( __line__, mom(k ,i,j) )
620  call check( __line__, mom(k+1,i,j) )
622  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
623  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j+1) )
625 #endif
626  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
627  * mom(k+1,i,j) &
628  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
629  * mom(k,i,j) ) &
630  / ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
631  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i,j+1) ) &
632  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
633  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i,j+1) ) )
634  flux(k,i,j) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+1) * vel &
635  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j+1)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
636  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
637  enddo
638  enddo
639  enddo
640 #ifdef DEBUG
641  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
642 #endif
644  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
645  !$omp private(vel) &
646  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KE,flux)
647  do j = jjs-1, jje
648  do i = iis, iie
649  flux(ke,i,j) = 0.0_rp
650  enddo
651  enddo
652 #ifdef DEBUG
653  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
654 #endif
656  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_uyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_uyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), intent(in)  J33G,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation z-flux at UY

Definition at line 669 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_uyz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

669  implicit none
671  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
672  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
673  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
674  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
675  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
676  real(RP), intent(in) :: j33g
677  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
678  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
679  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
681  real(RP) :: vel
682  integer :: k, i, j
683  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
685  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
686  !$omp private(vel) &
687  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff) &
688  !$omp shared(CDZ)
689  do j = jjs, jje
690  do i = iis, iie
691  do k = ks, ke-1
692 #ifdef DEBUG
693  call check( __line__, mom(k,i,j) )
694  call check( __line__, mom(k,i+1,j) )
696  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
697  call check( __line__, val(k+1,i,j) )
699 #endif
700  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i+1,j) ) ) &
701  / ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
702  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i+1,j) ) &
703  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
704  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j) ) )
705  flux(k,i,j) = j33g * vel &
706  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
707  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
708  enddo
709  enddo
710  enddo
711 #ifdef DEBUG
712  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
713 #endif
715  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
716  !$omp private(vel) &
717  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff,DENS,CDZ)
718  do j = jjs, jje
719  do i = iis, iie
720 #ifdef DEBUG
722 #endif
723  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
724  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
725  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
726  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
728  flux(ke,i,j) = 0.0_rp
729  enddo
730  enddo
731 #ifdef DEBUG
732  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
733 #endif
735  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_uyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_uyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J13G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J13-flux at UYZ

Definition at line 746 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_uyz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

746  implicit none
748  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
749  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
750  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
751  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
752  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
753  real(RP), intent(in) :: j13g (ka,ia,ja)
754  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
755  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
756  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
758  real(RP) :: vel
759  integer :: k, i, j
760  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
762  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
763  !$omp private(vel) &
764  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF) &
765  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
766  do j = jjs, jje
767  do i = iis, iie
768  do k = ks, ke-1
769  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
770  * mom(k+1,i,j) &
771  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
772  * mom(k,i,j) ) &
773  / ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
774  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i+1,j) ) &
775  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
776  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j) ) )
777  vel = vel * j13g(k,i,j)
778  flux(k,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+2) &
779  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) )
780  enddo
781  enddo
782  enddo
784  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
785  !$omp private(vel) &
786  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF) &
787  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
788  do j = jjs, jje
789  do i = iis, iie
790  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
791  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
792  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
793  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
795  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp
796  enddo
797  enddo
799  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_uyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_uyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J23G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J23-flux at UYZ

Definition at line 810 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_uyz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

810  implicit none
812  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
813  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
814  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
815  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
816  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
817  real(RP), intent(in) :: j23g (ka,ia,ja)
818  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
819  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
820  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
822  real(RP) :: vel
823  integer :: k, i, j
824  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
826  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
827  !$omp private(vel) &
828  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF) &
829  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
830  do j = jjs, jje
831  do i = iis, iie
832  do k = ks, ke-1
833  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
834  * 0.25_rp * ( mom(k+1,i,j)+mom(k+1,i+1,j)+mom(k+1,i,j-1)+mom(k+1,i+1,j-1) ) &
835  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
836  * 0.25_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i+1,j)+mom(k,i,j-1)+mom(k,i+1,j-1) ) ) &
837  / ( f2h(k,1,i_uyz) &
838  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i+1,j) ) &
839  + f2h(k,2,i_uyz) &
840  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j) ) )
841  vel = vel * j23g(k,i,j)
842  flux(k,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+1) &
843  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) )
844  enddo
845  enddo
846  enddo
848  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
849  !$omp private(vel) &
850  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF) &
851  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
852  do j = jjs, jje
853  do i = iis, iie
854  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
855  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
856  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
857  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
859  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp
860  enddo
861  enddo
863  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_uyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_uyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation X-flux at UY

Definition at line 875 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

875  implicit none
877  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
878  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
879  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
880  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
881  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
882  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
883  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
884  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
885  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
887  real(RP) :: vel
888  integer :: k, i, j
889  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
891  ! note that x-index is added by -1
893  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
894  !$omp private(vel) &
895  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff)
896  do j = jjs, jje
897  do i = iis, iie+1
898  do k = ks, ke
899 #ifdef DEBUG
900  call check( __line__, mom(k,i ,j) )
901  call check( __line__, mom(k,i-1,j) )
903  call check( __line__, val(k,i-1,j) )
904  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
906 #endif
907  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i-1,j) ) ) &
908  / ( dens(k,i,j) )
909  flux(k,i-1,j) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+2) * vel &
910  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j)+val(k,i-1,j) ) ) &
911  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
912  enddo
913  enddo
914  enddo
915 #ifdef DEBUG
916  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
917 #endif
919  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_uyz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_uyz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation Y-flux at UY

Definition at line 931 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

931  implicit none
933  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
934  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
935  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
936  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
937  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
938  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
939  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
940  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
941  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
943  real(RP) :: vel
944  integer :: k, i, j
945  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
947  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
948  !$omp private(vel) &
949  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff)
950  do j = jjs-1, jje
951  do i = iis, iie
952  do k = ks, ke
953 #ifdef DEBUG
954  call check( __line__, mom(k,i ,j) )
955  call check( __line__, mom(k,i-1,j) )
957  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
958  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j+1) )
960 #endif
961  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i+1,j) ) ) &
962  / ( 0.25_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j)+dens(k,i,j+1)+dens(k,i+1,j+1) ) )
963  flux(k,i,j) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+1) * vel &
964  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j+1)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
965  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
966  enddo
967  enddo
968  enddo
969 #ifdef DEBUG
970  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
971 #endif
973  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xvz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxz_xvz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), intent(in)  J33G,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation z-flux at XV

Definition at line 987 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_xvz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

987  implicit none
989  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
990  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
991  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
992  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
993  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
994  real(RP), intent(in) :: j33g
995  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
996  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
997  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
999  real(RP) :: vel
1000  integer :: k, i, j
1001  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1003  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1004  !$omp private(vel) &
1005  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff) &
1006  !$omp shared(CDZ)
1007  do j = jjs, jje
1008  do i = iis, iie
1009  do k = ks, ke-1
1010 #ifdef DEBUG
1011  call check( __line__, mom(k,i,j) )
1012  call check( __line__, mom(k,i,j+1) )
1014  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
1015  call check( __line__, val(k+1,i,j) )
1017 #endif
1018  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i,j+1) ) ) &
1019  / ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
1020  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i,j+1) ) &
1021  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
1022  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i,j+1) ) )
1023  flux(k,i,j) = j33g * vel &
1024  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
1025  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
1026  enddo
1027  enddo
1028  enddo
1029 #ifdef DEBUG
1030  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
1031 #endif
1033  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1034  !$omp private(vel) &
1035  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,flux,J33G,GSQRT,num_diff,DENS,CDZ)
1036  do j = jjs, jje
1037  do i = iis, iie
1038 #ifdef DEBUG
1040 #endif
1041  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
1042  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
1043  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
1044  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1046  flux(ke,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1047  enddo
1048  enddo
1049 #ifdef DEBUG
1050  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
1051 #endif
1053  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xvz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj13_xvz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J13G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J13-flux at XVZ

Definition at line 1064 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_xvz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

1064  implicit none
1066  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
1067  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
1068  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
1069  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
1070  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
1071  real(RP), intent(in) :: j13g (ka,ia,ja)
1072  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
1073  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
1074  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
1076  real(RP) :: vel
1077  integer :: k, i, j
1078  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1081  !$omp private(vel) &
1082  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF) &
1083  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
1084  do j = jjs, jje
1085  do i = iis, iie
1086  do k = ks, ke-1
1087  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
1088  * 0.25_rp * ( mom(k+1,i,j)+mom(k+1,i-1,j)+mom(k+1,i,j+1)+mom(k+1,i-1,j+1) ) &
1089  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
1090  * 0.25_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i-1,j)+mom(k,i,j+1)+mom(k,i-1,j+1) ) ) &
1091  / ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
1092  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i,j+1) ) &
1093  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
1094  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i,j+1) ) )
1095  vel = vel * j13g(k,i,j)
1096  flux(k,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+2) &
1097  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) )
1098  enddo
1099  enddo
1100  enddo
1102  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1103  !$omp private(vel) &
1104  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J13G,MAPF) &
1105  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
1106  do j = jjs, jje
1107  do i = iis, iie
1108  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
1109  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
1110  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
1111  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1113  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1114  enddo
1115  enddo
1117  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xvz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxj23_xvz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  J23G,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation J23-flux at XVZ

Definition at line 1128 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::i_xvz, scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

1128  implicit none
1130  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
1131  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
1132  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
1133  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
1134  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
1135  real(RP), intent(in) :: j23g (ka,ia,ja)
1136  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
1137  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
1138  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
1140  real(RP) :: vel
1141  integer :: k, i, j
1142  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1144  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1145  !$omp private(vel) &
1146  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF) &
1147  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
1148  do j = jjs, jje
1149  do i = iis, iie
1150  do k = ks, ke-1
1151  vel = ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
1152  * mom(k+1,i,j) &
1153  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
1154  * mom(k,i,j) ) &
1155  / ( f2h(k,1,i_xvz) &
1156  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k+1,i,j)+dens(k+1,i,j+1) ) &
1157  + f2h(k,2,i_xvz) &
1158  * 0.5_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i,j+1) ) )
1159  vel = vel * j23g(k,i,j)
1160  flux(k,i,j) = vel / mapf(i,j,+1) &
1161  * ( f2 * ( val(k+1,i,j)+val(k,i,j) ) )
1162  enddo
1163  enddo
1164  enddo
1166  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1167  !$omp private(vel) &
1168  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,J23G,MAPF) &
1169  !$omp shared(GSQRT,CDZ)
1170  do j = jjs, jje
1171  do i = iis, iie
1172  ! The boundary condition is qflx_hi + qflxJ13 + qfluxJ23 = 0 at KS-1.
1173  ! The flux at KS-1 can be non-zero.
1174  ! To reduce calculations, all the fluxes are set to zero.
1175  flux(ks-1,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1177  flux(ke ,i,j) = 0.0_rp
1178  enddo
1179  enddo
1181  return
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xvz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxx_xvz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation X-flux at XV

Definition at line 1193 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

1193  implicit none
1195  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
1196  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
1197  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
1198  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
1199  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
1200  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
1201  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
1202  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
1203  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
1205  real(RP) :: vel
1206  integer :: k, i, j
1207  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1209  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1210  !$omp private(vel) &
1211  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff)
1212  do j = jjs, jje
1213  do i = iis-1, iie
1214  do k = ks, ke
1215 #ifdef DEBUG
1216  call check( __line__, mom(k,i ,j) )
1217  call check( __line__, mom(k,i,j-1) )
1219  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
1220  call check( __line__, val(k,i+1,j) )
1222 #endif
1223  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i,j+1) ) ) &
1224  / ( 0.25_rp * ( dens(k,i,j)+dens(k,i+1,j)+dens(k,i,j+1)+dens(k,i+1,j+1) ) )
1225  flux(k,i,j) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+2) * vel &
1226  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i+1,j)+val(k,i,j) ) ) &
1227  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
1228  enddo
1229  enddo
1230  enddo
1231 #ifdef DEBUG
1232  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
1233 #endif
1235  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xvz_cd2()

subroutine, public scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2::atmos_dyn_fvm_fluxy_xvz_cd2 ( real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(inout)  flux,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  mom,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  val,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  DENS,
real(rp), dimension (ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  GSQRT,
real(rp), dimension ( ia,ja,2), intent(in)  MAPF,
real(rp), dimension(ka,ia,ja), intent(in)  num_diff,
real(rp), dimension (ka), intent(in)  CDZ,
integer, intent(in)  IIS,
integer, intent(in)  IIE,
integer, intent(in)  JJS,
integer, intent(in)  JJE 

calculation Y-flux at XV

Definition at line 1247 of file scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2.F90.

References scale_debug::check(), scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ke, and scale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index::ks.

Referenced by scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux::atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_setup().

1247  implicit none
1249  real(RP), intent(inout) :: flux (ka,ia,ja)
1250  real(RP), intent(in) :: mom (ka,ia,ja)
1251  real(RP), intent(in) :: val (ka,ia,ja)
1252  real(RP), intent(in) :: dens (ka,ia,ja)
1253  real(RP), intent(in) :: gsqrt (ka,ia,ja)
1254  real(RP), intent(in) :: mapf ( ia,ja,2)
1255  real(RP), intent(in) :: num_diff(ka,ia,ja)
1256  real(RP), intent(in) :: cdz (ka)
1257  integer, intent(in) :: iis, iie, jjs, jje
1259  real(RP) :: vel
1260  integer :: k, i, j
1261  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1263  ! note that y-index is added by -1
1265  !$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,j,k) OMP_SCHEDULE_ collapse(2) &
1266  !$omp private(vel) &
1267  !$omp shared(JJS,JJE,IIS,IIE,KS,KE,mom,val,DENS,flux,GSQRT,MAPF,num_diff)
1268  do j = jjs, jje+1
1269  do i = iis, iie
1270  do k = ks, ke
1271 #ifdef DEBUG
1272  call check( __line__, mom(k,i ,j) )
1273  call check( __line__, mom(k,i,j-1) )
1275  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j-1) )
1276  call check( __line__, val(k,i,j) )
1278 #endif
1279  vel = ( 0.5_rp * ( mom(k,i,j)+mom(k,i,j-1) ) ) &
1280  / ( dens(k,i,j) )
1281  flux(k,i,j-1) = gsqrt(k,i,j) / mapf(i,j,+1) * vel &
1282  * ( f2 * ( val(k,i,j)+val(k,i,j-1) ) ) &
1283  + gsqrt(k,i,j) * num_diff(k,i,j)
1284  enddo
1285  enddo
1286  enddo
1287 #ifdef DEBUG
1288  k = iundef; i = iundef; j = iundef
1289 #endif
1291  return
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: