Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines
scale_fileio.F90 File Reference

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module  scale_fileio
 module FILE I/O (netcdf)


subroutine, public scale_fileio::fileio_setup
 Setup. More...
subroutine, public scale_fileio::fileio_set_coordinates (LON, LONX, LONY, LONXY, LAT, LATX, LATY, LATXY, CZ, FZ)
 set latlon and z More...
subroutine, public scale_fileio::fileio_set_axes (fid, dtype, xy)
 write axis to the file More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_read_1d (var, basename, varname, axistype, step)
 Read 1D data from file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_read_2d (var, basename, varname, axistype, step)
 Read 2D data from file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_read_3d (var, basename, varname, axistype, step)
 Read 3D data from file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_read_4d (var, basename, varname, axistype, step)
 Read 4D data from file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_write_1d (var, basename, title, varname, desc, unit, axistype, datatype, date, subsec, append)
 Write 1D data to file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_write_2d (var, basename, title, varname, desc, unit, axistype, datatype, date, subsec, append, nohalo, nozcoord)
 Write 2D data to file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_write_3d (var, basename, title, varname, desc, unit, axistype, datatype, date, subsec, append, nohalo)
 Write 3D data to file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_write_3d_t (var, basename, title, varname, desc, unit, axistype, datatype, timeintv, tsince, append, timetarg, nohalo)
 Write 3D data with time dimension to file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::fileio_write_4d (var, basename, title, varname, desc, unit, axistype, datatype, timeintv, tsince, append, timetarg, nohalo)
 Write 4D data to file. More...
subroutine scale_fileio::getcftunits (tunits, date)