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scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf.F90 File Reference
#include "inc_openmp.h"
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module  scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf
 module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Cumulus Parameterization


subroutine, public scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::atmos_phy_cp_kf_setup (CP_TYPE)
 Setup. More...
subroutine, public scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::atmos_phy_cp_kf (DENS, MOMZ, MOMX, MOMY, RHOT, QTRC, DENS_t_CP, MOMZ_t_CP, MOMX_t_CP, MOMY_t_CP, RHOT_t_CP, RHOQ_t_CP, MFLX_cloudbase, SFLX_convrain, cloudtop, cloudbase, cldfrac_dp, cldfrac_sh, nca, w0avg)
subroutine scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::kf_wmean (W0_avg, DENS, MOMZ)
 running mean vertical wind speed More...
subroutine scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::cp_kf_param (RATE_in, TRIGGER_in, KF_DT_in, DELCAPE_in, DEEPLIFETIME_in, SHALLOWLIFETIME_in, DEPTH_USL_in, KF_prec_in, KF_threshold_in, KF_LOG_in, stepkf_in)
subroutine scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::cp_kf_main (dens, MOMZ, MOMX, MOMY, RHOT, QTRC_in, w0avg, nca, DT_DENS, DT_RHOT, DT_RHOQ, rainrate_cp, cldfrac_sh, cldfrac_dp, timecp, cloudtop, zlcl, I_convflag)
subroutine scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::kf_lutab


real(dp), save, public scale_atmos_phy_cp_kf::kf_dtsec = 300._RP