Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
gtool_file.f90 File Reference

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module  gtool_file
 module GTOOL_FILE


subroutine, public gtool_file::filecreate (fid, existed, basename, title, source, institution, master, myrank, rankidx, single, time_units, append, comm)
subroutine gtool_file::filegetglobalattributetext (fid, key, val)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filesetoption (fid, filetype, key, val)
subroutine, public gtool_file::fileopen (fid, basename, mode, single, comm, myrank)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filedefaxis (fid, name, desc, units, dim_name, dtype, dim_size)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filedefassociatedcoordinates (fid, name, desc, units, dim_names, dtype)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filedefinevariable (fid, vid, varname, desc, units, ndims, dims, dtype, tint, tavg)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filesettattr (fid, vname, key, val)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filegetshape (dims, basename, varname, myrank, single, error)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar1drealdp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar2drealsp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar2drealdp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar3drealsp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar3drealdp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar4drealsp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filereadvar4drealdp (var, fid, varname, step, allow_missing, single, ntypes, dtype, start, count)
subroutine gtool_file::filewrite1drealsp (fid, vid, var, t_start, t_end, start, count, ndims)
subroutine, public gtool_file::fileenddef (fid)
subroutine, public gtool_file::fileattachbuffer (fid, buf_amount)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filedetachbuffer (fid)
subroutine, public gtool_file::fileflush (fid)
subroutine, public gtool_file::fileclose (fid)
subroutine, public gtool_file::filecloseall
subroutine, public gtool_file::filemakefname (fname, basename, prefix, myrank, len)


real(dp), parameter, public gtool_file::rmiss = -9.9999e+30