subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpistart (comm) |
| Start MPI. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_setup (comm, nprocs, myrank, ismaster) |
| setup MPI in universal communicator More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_global_setup (abortall, comm) |
| setup MPI in global communicator More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_local_setup (comm, myrank, ismaster) |
| Setup MPI in local communicator. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_singlecom_setup (comm, nprocs, myrank, ismaster) |
| Setup MPI single communicator (not use universal-global-local setting) More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_errhandler_setup (use_fpm, master) |
| Setup MPI error handler. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_abort |
| Abort Process. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpifinish |
| Stop MPI peacefully. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpisplit_bulk (ORG_COMM_WORLD, NUM_BULKJOB, PRC_BULKJOB, debug, SUB_COMM_WORLD, ID_BULKJOB) |
| MPI Communicator Split (bulk job) More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpisplit_nest (ORG_COMM_WORLD, NUM_DOMAIN, PRC_DOMAIN, debug, color_reorder, SUB_COMM_WORLD, ID_DOMAIN) |
| MPI Communicator Split (nesting) More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpibarrier |
| Barrier MPI. More...
real(dp) function, public | scale_prc::prc_mpitime () |
| Get MPI time. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_mpitimestat (avgvar, maxvar, minvar, maxidx, minidx, var) |
| Calc global statistics for timer. More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_timereorder (rapnlimit, rapnmax, rapttot, rapname) |
| reorder rap time More...
subroutine, public | scale_prc::prc_set_file_closer (routine) |
integer, parameter, public | scale_prc::prc_masterrank = 0 |
| master process in each communicator More...
integer, parameter, public | scale_prc::prc_domain_nlim = 10000 |
| max depth of domains More...
integer, parameter, public | scale_prc::prc_comm_null = MPI_COMM_NULL |
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_comm_world = -1 |
| original communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_myrank = -1 |
| myrank in universal communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_nprocs = -1 |
| process num in universal communicator More...
logical, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_ismaster = .false. |
| master process in universal communicator? More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_jobid = 0 |
| my job ID in universal communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_global_comm_world = -1 |
| global communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_global_myrank = -1 |
| myrank in global communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_global_nprocs = -1 |
| process num in global communicator More...
logical, public | scale_prc::prc_global_ismaster = .false. |
| master process in global communicator? More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_global_domainid = 0 |
| my domain ID in global communicator More...
integer, dimension(prc_domain_nlim), public | scale_prc::prc_global_root |
| root processes in global members More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_local_comm_world = -1 |
| local communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_nprocs = 1 |
| myrank in local communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_myrank = 0 |
| process num in local communicator More...
logical, public | scale_prc::prc_ismaster = .false. |
| master process in local communicator? More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_intercomm_parent = MPI_COMM_NULL |
| communicator between this rank and parent domain More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_intercomm_child = MPI_COMM_NULL |
| communicator between this rank and child domain More...
logical, public | scale_prc::prc_mpi_alive = .false. |
| MPI is alive? More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_universal_handler |
| error handler in universal communicator More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_abort_comm_world |
| communicator for aborting More...
integer, public | scale_prc::prc_abort_handler |
| error handler communicator for aborting More...