Ndc_calendar | Module TIME |
Ndc_log | Module DC_Log |
Ndc_test | |
Ndc_types | |
Nmod_admin_restart | Module administrator for restart |
Nmod_admin_time | Module ADMIN TIME |
Nmod_admin_versioncheck | Module ADMIN VERSIONCHECK |
Nmod_atmos_admin | Module ATMOS admin |
Nmod_atmos_bnd_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Boundary treatment |
Nmod_atmos_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE driver |
Nmod_atmos_dyn_driver | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics |
Nmod_atmos_dyn_vars | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics |
Nmod_atmos_phy_ae_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Aerosol Microphysics |
Nmod_atmos_phy_ae_vars | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Aerosol Microphysics |
Nmod_atmos_phy_bl_driver | Module atmosphere / physics / PBL |
Nmod_atmos_phy_bl_vars | Module atmosphere / physics / PBL |
Nmod_atmos_phy_ch_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Chemistry |
Nmod_atmos_phy_ch_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Chemistry |
Nmod_atmos_phy_cp_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Cumulus |
Nmod_atmos_phy_cp_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Cumulus |
Nmod_atmos_phy_lt_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Chemistry |
Nmod_atmos_phy_lt_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Chemistry |
Nmod_atmos_phy_mp_driver | Module atmosphere / physics / cloud microphysics |
Nmod_atmos_phy_mp_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Cloud Microphysics |
Nmod_atmos_phy_rd_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Radiation |
Nmod_atmos_phy_rd_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Radiation |
Nmod_atmos_phy_sf_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Surface fluxes |
Nmod_atmos_phy_sf_vars | Module ATMOSPHERIC Surface Variables |
Nmod_atmos_phy_tb_driver | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Turbulence |
Nmod_atmos_phy_tb_vars | Module Atmosphere / Physics Turbulence |
Nmod_atmos_vars | Module ATMOSPHERIC Variables |
Nmod_cnv2d | Module Convert 2D data |
Nmod_cnvlanduse | Module Convert LandUseIndex |
Nmod_cnvtopo | Module Convert topography |
Nmod_cnvuser | Module Convert 2D user data |
Nmod_convert | Module CONVERT driver |
Nmod_copytopo | Module Copy topography |
Nmod_cpl_admin | Module Coupler admin |
Nmod_cpl_driver | Module CPL driver |
Nmod_cpl_vars | Module COUPLER Variables |
Nmod_da_admin | Module Data Assimilation admin |
Nmod_da_driver | Module Data Assimilation driver |
Nmod_da_param_estimation | Module Parameter Estimation |
Nmod_da_vars | Module Data Assimilation Variables |
Nmod_lake_admin | Module Lake admin |
Nmod_land_admin | Module Land admin |
Nmod_land_driver | Module LAND driver |
Nmod_land_vars | Module LAND Variables |
Nmod_launcher | Module Launcher(a launcher of main routine) |
Nmod_mkinit | Module INITIAL |
Nmod_mktopo | Module MKTOPO |
Nmod_ocean_admin | Module Ocean admin |
Nmod_ocean_driver | Module OCEAN driver |
Nmod_ocean_vars | Module OCEAN Variables |
Nmod_realinput | Module REAL input |
Nmod_realinput_grads | Module REAL input GrADS |
Nmod_realinput_netcdf | Module REAL input netCDF |
Nmod_realinput_nicam | Module REAL input NICAM |
Nmod_rm_driver | Module SCALE-RM (a main routine of regional model) |
Nmod_rm_prep | Module SCALE-RM prep |
Nmod_urban_admin | Module Urban admin |
Nmod_urban_driver | Module URBAN driver |
Nmod_urban_vars | Module URBAN Variables |
Nmod_user | Module USER |
Nscale | Module SCALE |
Nscale_atmos_adiabat | Module atmosphere / adiabat |
Nscale_atmos_aerosol | Module atmosphere / aerosol |
Nscale_atmos_bottom | Module atmosphere / bottom boundary extrapolation |
Nscale_atmos_diagnostic | Module atmosphere / diagnostic |
Nscale_atmos_diagnostic_cartesc | Module atmosphere / diagnostic / CartesianC |
Nscale_atmos_dyn | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics FENT + FCT |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_common | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics common |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_fct | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics common |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd2 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd4 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd4 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd6 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd6 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd8 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_cd8 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud1 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud1 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud3 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud3 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud3koren1993 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud3Koren1993 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud5 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud5 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud7 | Module scale_atmos_dyn_fvm_flux_ud7 |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_fvm_numfilter | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics common |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_large | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics Temporal integration |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_large_euler | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_large_rk3 | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_rkcommon | Module scale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_rkcommon |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics Temporal integration |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk11s8o | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk3 | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk4 | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_short_rk7s6o | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_tracer | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics Temporal integration |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_tracer_euler | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_tracer_linrk | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tinteg_tracer_rk3 | Module Atmosphere / Dyn Tinteg |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_large | Module Atmosphere / Dynamical scheme |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_large_fvm_heve | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short | Module Atmosphere / Dynamical scheme |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_heve | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics RK |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hevi | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics RK |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_short_fvm_hivi | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics RK |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_tracer | Module Atmosphere / Dynamical scheme |
Nscale_atmos_dyn_tstep_tracer_fvm_heve | Module Atmosphere / Dynamics |
Nscale_atmos_grid_cartesc | Module atmosphere / grid / cartesC |
Nscale_atmos_grid_cartesc_index | Module atmosphere / grid / cartesC index |
Nscale_atmos_grid_cartesc_metric | Module Atmosphere Grid CartesianC metirc |
Nscale_atmos_grid_cartesc_real | Module Atmosphere GRID CartesC Real(real space) |
Nscale_atmos_grid_icoa | Module atmosphere / grid / icosahedralA |
Nscale_atmos_grid_icoa_index | Module atmosphere / grid / icosahedralA / index |
Nscale_atmos_hydrometeor | Module atmosphere / hydrometeor |
Nscale_atmos_hydrostatic | Module atmosphere / hydrostatic barance |
Nscale_atmos_phy_ae_kajino13 | Module atmosphere / physics / aerosol / Kajino13 |
Nscale_atmos_phy_ae_offline | Module atmosphere / physics / aerosol / offline |
Nscale_atmos_phy_bl_common | Module atmosphere / physics / pbl / common |
Nscale_atmos_phy_bl_mynn | Module atmosphere / physics / pbl / mynn |
Nscale_atmos_phy_bl_mynn_jmapplib | Module atmosphere / physics / pbl / mynn-jmapplib |
Nscale_atmos_phy_ch_rn222 | Module atmosphere / physics / chemistry / RN222 |
Nscale_atmos_phy_cp_common | Module atmosphere / physics / cumulus / Common |
Nscale_atmos_phy_cp_kf | Module atmosphere / physics / cumulus / Kain-Fritsch |
Nscale_atmos_phy_cp_kf_jmapplib | Module atmosphere / physics / cumulus / kf-jmapplib |
Nscale_atmos_phy_lt_sato2019 | Module atmosphere / physics / lightninh / SATO2019 |
Nscale_atmos_phy_mp_common | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Cloud Microphysics - Common |
Nscale_atmos_phy_mp_kessler | Module atmosphere / physics / microphysics / Kessler |
Nscale_atmos_phy_mp_sn14 | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Cloud Microphysics |
Nscale_atmos_phy_mp_suzuki10 | Module Spectran Bin Microphysics |
Nscale_atmos_phy_mp_tomita08 | Module atmosphere / physics / microphysics / Tomita08 |
Nscale_atmos_phy_rd_common | Module atmosphere / physics / radiation / common |
Nscale_atmos_phy_rd_mm5sw | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Radiation |
Nscale_atmos_phy_rd_mstrnx | Module atmosphere / physics / radiation / mstrnX |
Nscale_atmos_phy_rd_offline | Module atmosphere / physics / radiation / offline |
Nscale_atmos_phy_rd_profile | Module atmosphere / physics/ radiation / profile |
Nscale_atmos_phy_sf_bulk | Module atmosphere / physics / surface / bulk |
Nscale_atmos_phy_sf_const | Module atmosphere / physics / surface / const |
Nscale_atmos_phy_tb_common | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Turbulence |
Nscale_atmos_phy_tb_d1980 | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Turbulence |
Nscale_atmos_phy_tb_dns | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Turbulence |
Nscale_atmos_phy_tb_smg | Module ATMOSPHERE / Physics Turbulence |
Nscale_atmos_profile | Module atmosphere / vertical profile |
Nscale_atmos_refstate | Module atmosphere / reference state |
Nscale_atmos_saturation | Module atmosphere / saturation |
Nscale_atmos_sfc_ch_rn222 | Module atmosphere / surface / chemistry / RN222 |
Nscale_atmos_solarins | Module atmosphere / SOLARINS |
Nscale_atmos_thermodyn | Module atmosphere / thermodyn |
Nscale_bulkflux | Module Surface bulk flux |
Nscale_calendar | Module CALENDAR |
Nscale_comm_cartesc | Module COMMUNICATION |
Nscale_comm_cartesc_nest | Module Communication CartesianC nesting |
Nscale_comm_ensemble | Module Communication for Ensemble system |
Nscale_comm_icoa | Module COMMUNICATION |
Nscale_const | Module CONSTANT |
Nscale_coriolis | Module Coriolis |
Nscale_cpl_phy_sfc_fixed_temp | Module coupler / surface fixed temp model |
Nscale_cpl_phy_sfc_skin | Module coupler / physics / surface skin |
Nscale_cpl_sfc_index | Module coupler / surface-atmospehre |
Nscale_da_read_mp_pawr_toshiba | |
Nscale_da_read_pawr_toshiba | |
Nscale_debug | Module DEBUG |
Nscale_dft | |
Nscale_file | Module file |
Nscale_file_cartesc | Module file / cartesianC |
Nscale_file_external_input | Module file / external_input |
Nscale_file_external_input_cartesc | Module file / external_input_cartesC |
Nscale_file_grads | Module file_grads |
Nscale_file_h | Module file_h |
Nscale_file_history | Module file_history |
Nscale_file_history_cartesc | Module file / history_cartesC |
Nscale_file_tiledata | Module file_tiledata |
Nscale_filter | Module FILTER |
Nscale_fpm | Module FPM |
Nscale_hash | Module CONSTANT |
Nscale_index | Module Index |
Nscale_interp | Module INTERPOLATION |
Nscale_interp_vert | Module INTERPOLATION vertical |
Nscale_io | Module STDIO |
Nscale_land_dyn_bucket | Module land / dynamics / bucket |
Nscale_land_grid_cartesc | Module land / grid / cartesianC |
Nscale_land_grid_cartesc_index | Module land / grid / cartesianC / index |
Nscale_land_grid_cartesc_real | Module land / grid / cartesianC / real |
Nscale_land_grid_icoa | Module land / grid / icosahedralA |
Nscale_land_grid_icoa_index | Module land / grid / icosahedralA / index |
Nscale_land_phy_matsiro | Module land / physics / MATSIRO |
Nscale_land_phy_snow_diagnos | Module land / physics / snow / diagnostics |
Nscale_land_phy_snow_ky90 | Module land / physics / snow / ky90 |
Nscale_landuse | Module LANDUSE |
Nscale_letkf | Module LETKF for Data-Assimilation |
Nscale_mapprojection | Module Map projection |
Nscale_matrix | Module MATRIX |
Nscale_monitor | Module MONITOR |
Nscale_monitor_cartesc | Module MONITOR CartesC |
Nscale_ocean_dyn_offline | Module ocean / dynamics / offline |
Nscale_ocean_dyn_slab | Module ocean / dynamics / slab |
Nscale_ocean_grid_cartesc | Module ocean / grid / cartesianC |
Nscale_ocean_grid_cartesc_index | Module ocean / grid / cartesianC / index |
Nscale_ocean_grid_cartesc_real | Module ocean / grid / cartesianC / real |
Nscale_ocean_grid_icoa | Module ocean / grid / icosahedralA |
Nscale_ocean_grid_icoa_index | Module ocean / grid / icosahedralA / index |
Nscale_ocean_phy_albedo | Module ocean / physics / surface albedo |
Nscale_ocean_phy_albedo_nakajima00 | Module ocean / physics / surface albedo / nakajima00 |
Nscale_ocean_phy_ice_simple | Module ocean / physics / ice / simple |
Nscale_ocean_phy_roughness | Module ocean / physics / surface roughness length |
Nscale_ocean_phy_roughness_miller92 | Module ocean / physics / surface roughness length / miller92 |
Nscale_ocean_phy_roughness_moon07 | Module ocean / physics / surface roughness length / moon07 |
Nscale_ocean_phy_tc | Module ocean / physics / surface thermal conductivity |
Nscale_prc | Module PROCESS |
Nscale_prc_cartesc | Module process / cartesC |
Nscale_prc_icoa | Module process / icoA |
Nscale_precision | Module PRECISION |
Nscale_prof | Module profiler |
Nscale_random | Module RANDOM |
Nscale_sigvars | Module sigvars |
Nscale_sort | Module SORT |
Nscale_specfunc | Module SPECFUNC |
Nscale_spnudge | |
Nscale_statistics | Module Statistics |
Nscale_time | Module TIME |
Nscale_topography | Module TOPOGRAPHY |
Nscale_tracer | Module TRACER |
Nscale_urban_dyn_kusaka01 | Module urban / dynamics / Kusaka01 |
Nscale_urban_grid_cartesc | Module urban / grid / cartesianC |
Nscale_urban_grid_cartesc_index | Module urban / grid / icosahedralA / index |
Nscale_urban_grid_cartesc_real | Module urban / grid / cartesianC / real |
Nscale_urban_grid_icoa | Module urban / grid / icosahedralA |
Nscale_urban_grid_icoa_index | Module urban / grid / icosahedralA / index |
Nscale_vector | Module vector |