subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_setup (QA_MP, MP_TYPE_in) |
| Setup. More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_domain_regist_file (dom_id, PARENT_BASENAME, PARENT_PRC_NUM_X, PARENT_PRC_NUM_Y, LATLON_CATALOGUE_FNAME) |
| offline setup More...
subroutine | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_domain_relate (dom_id) |
| Solve relationship between ParentDomain & Daughter Domain. More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_parent_info (dom_id, KMAX, LKMAX, IMAXG, JMAXG, num_tile, tile_id) |
| Return infomation of parent domain (for offline) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_domain_shape (tilei, tilej, cxs, cxe, cys, cye, pxs, pxe, pys, pye, dom_id, iloc, xstg, ystg) |
| Return shape of ParentDomain at the specified rank (for offline) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_nestdown_send (DENS_send, MOMZ_send, MOMX_send, MOMY_send, RHOT_send, QTRC_send) |
| Boundary data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (parent side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_nestdown_recv (DENS_recv, VELZ_recv, VELX_recv, VELY_recv, POTT_recv, QTRC_recv) |
| Boundary data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (daughter side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_recvwait_issue_send |
| Sub-command for data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (parent side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_recvwait_issue_recv |
| Sub-command for data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (daughter side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_recv_cancel_send |
| Sub-command for data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (parent side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_recv_cancel_recv |
| Sub-command for data transfer from parent to daughter: nestdown (daughter side) More...
subroutine | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_intercomm_nestdown_3d (pvar, dvar, tagbase, id_stag, HANDLE, isu_tag, flag_dens) |
| Inter-communication from parent to daughter: nestdown. More...
subroutine | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_issuer_of_receive_3d (tagbase, id_stag, HANDLE, isu_tag) |
| [substance of issuer] Inter-communication from parent to daughter: nestdown More...
subroutine | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_issuer_of_wait_3d (HANDLE) |
| [substance of issuer] Inter-communication from parent to daughter: nestdown More...
subroutine | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_waitall (req_count, ireq) |
| [substance of comm_wait] Inter-communication More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_test_send |
| [check communication status] Inter-communication (parent side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_test_recv |
| [check communication status] Inter-communication (daughter side) More...
subroutine, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_finalize |
| finalize More...
integer, dimension(10), public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_filiation |
| index of parent-daughter relation (p>0, d<0) More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::handling_num |
| handing number of nesting relation More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_interp_level = 5 |
| horizontal interpolation level More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::comm_cartesc_nest_interp_weight_order = 2 |
| horizontal interpolation weight order More...
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::use_nesting = .false. |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_iam_parent = .false. |
| a flag to say "I am a parent" More...
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_iam_daughter = .false. |
| a flag to say "I am a daughter" More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_domain_num = 1 |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_use_velz = .false. |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_no_rotate = .false. |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_boundary_use_qhyd = .false. |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_recv_diagqhyd = .false. |
logical, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_send_diagqhyd = .false. |
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_recv_qa = 0 |
| number of tracer received from the parent domain More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_send_qa = 0 |
| number of tracer sent to the daughter domain More...
real(dp), public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_parent_dtsec |
| parent DT [sec] More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_parent_nstep |
| parent nsteps More...
integer, public | scale_comm_cartesc_nest::online_daughter_nprocs = -1 |