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subroutine, public | scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_setup |
| Setup. More...
subroutine, public | scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_read (kmax, ngas, ncfc, naero, real_lat, now_date, zh, z, rhodz, pres, presh, temp, temph, gas, cfc, aerosol_conc, aerosol_radi, cldfrac) |
| Read profile for radiation. More...
subroutine, public | scale_atmos_phy_rd_profile::atmos_phy_rd_profile_setup_zgrid (toa, kmax, kadd, zh, z) |
| Setup vertical grid for radiation. More...